Are you internet dependent?

by greendawn 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    My 19" LCD has a 4ms refresh rate. Trust me, you wouldn't want to go back to your CRT if you gamed on it for a couple of hours.

  • misanthropic

    Yes I am, especially now that I have succumbed to Ebays magical lure.

  • Elsewhere

    As a Web Developer, the Internet pays my bills... so yes, I am dependant on the Internet.

  • serendipity

    Yes, very dependent. It allows me to work from home, shop online, socialize, communicate and research. I don't miss it when I'm on vacation, but I wouldn't want to live without it.

  • Purza

    Absolutely. I can go on vacation, but I am itching to check my email.


  • bem
    can't imagine life without it. It's work, social life, entertainment, and education.

    Same as others have said I can do without for holidays and I have a life without internet, but now that I can talk to friends via messenger with voice, without that my phone bills were really high. So yes, yes I am dependent.

  • blondie

    My job is totally dependent on the computer...when it goes down, we're idle.

    At home, I still do my finances the old-fashioned way, with my calculator, handwritten checks, statements balanced w/o computer, no websites.

    I prefer to read books in hard copy. I still write letters and cards. I love going to the library to look up information in books.

    I love to read newspapers and magazines (7 at the moment...I try to cut back).

    TV, radio, videos are part of my life, but not on the computer.

    But I'm ancient and it takes awhile to learn new things with my computer. I still need to get a newer one, mine is 7 years old.


  • Dismembered

    Greetings greendawn

    How bad would you be or feel if you suddenly lost your internet connection?

    I'd have to check into an "I lost my internet conncetion rehab center". It's on all day almost 24/7. Dismembered

  • greendawn

    Ballistic, it's a long time since CRTs had the lead in refresh time, my Sony TFT has 25ms refresh and it was about the best at the time I bought it, in FEB 2003. CRTs were doing about 10 ms then.

    Blondie you are right it's better to watch films on a big TV screen while resting on a sofa rather than on a PC screen. But since I got the internet I stopped buying newspapers as there is so much online. It saves the trees.

    As for writing letters a handwritten one in an envelope with some colouful stamps, has a unique quality not possible in electronic letters. It's definitely better for stamp collectors.

  • lilybird

    I pay all my bills via the internet and also do my taxes and send them in via the internet.. I talk on MSN to my daughter and son who are living away from home right now . So I would say I am very internet dependent.

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