Ok so with all this talk about geeting young people to get baptized, got me to wondering.... How young have you known someone to get disfellowshipped?
Youngest I knew was 17 years old.
by loosie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ok so with all this talk about geeting young people to get baptized, got me to wondering.... How young have you known someone to get disfellowshipped?
Youngest I knew was 17 years old.
Do sanctions against 'unbaptized publishers' count?
An elder's daughter.
6 months later her mother was DF'd for refusing to shun her.
6 months later her mother and father were divorced.
So much for a "loving arrangement" from Jehovah.
What a demonised cult the JW's are trapped in.
16An elder's daughter.
6 months later her mother was DF'd for refusing to shun her.
How can you not talk to your 16 year old daughter. That's insane
Some years ago at a convention here in Oz, a Bethel bigwig was bragging that a family was shunning a 5 year old boy (or was it 8?) who refused to toe the family Dub line. Ozzie might recall details a little better.
Where is that ozziepost?
I did know of a 13-year-old girl that was DF'd (for "fornication") She had been baptized at 11. I also knew a young man, baptized at 11 and DF'd at 12 for smoking.
Both kids were still living at home and had to come to the meetings. The parents still talked to them but not about "spiritual" things. The girl eventually moved in with her boyfriend's family. I never knew what happened to the young man, family moved away.
I was 16, when I DA'd myself... and a guy from my KH was 16 too.
A girl in my congregation DA'ed herself when she was 16. A guy in my congregation (15) was put on public reproof for smoking marijuana.
Crumpet was baptised at 14 and d/f for attempting suicide at 16, and 10 years later her family still has almost no contact, such a loving way to treat a teenager in need.
In Parramatta cong a brother was baptised at 13, disfellowshipped at 14 and reinstated just recently at 15.
I wonder that since Catholics baptise babies what their youngest excommunication is.
I wasn't raised a JW, but my dad was very abusive physically and emotionally to us kids. If he got mad at some us, he would shun us. One time when I was around 11, he got so mad because I told our nieghbor he was abusive to me. And he stopped speaking to me for a whole year!
I found out when I was an adult that stuff like that is considered mental and emotional abuse.
My kids asked me when we were JWs if I could ever shun them - I told them no way. You are supposed to love them totally unconditionally, not because they are conforming to what you expect them too. That is outragious and kids in families like that should be taken from the parents!
That makes me so MAD!!!!!!