youngest disfellowshipped???

by loosie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MinisterAmos
    How can you not talk to your 16 year old daughter. That's insane

    How about demanding that a Mom and identical twin shun their 16 Y/O daughter/sister?

    The sin was DA'ing herself

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The youngest I know of was a 16 - year - old girl, baptised at 14, who was df'd for smoking. That was 6 years ago, and she never came back.

  • loosie

    The whole policy is insane. But not talking to your kids is ridiculous.

    I was 5 when I was told by the PO that I had better stop talking to my 17 year old DF'd brother of I was going to die at armageddon. This was in 1975 so I guess the rush was on.

    No one has the right to f*&^ with a 5 year olds head like that.

  • greendawn

    The youngest I know was 18 and got disfellowshipped for homosexuality, it was really quite obvious that he was an effeminate gay from the way he talked and moved, and I once heard an elder making fun of him (he was not there and it was before he got D'Fed) and I thought that was mean.

  • Carmel

    Df'd before my 15th bday!


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