youngest disfellowshipped???

by loosie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Lovelylil it is interesting that you went from an abusive upbringing to an abusive religion, both using shunning as a way of control. It is quite normal for people to be attracted to what they are used to, no matter how bad it is.

  • moomanchu

    youngest disfellowshipped???

    good question but also an unbelievable question that can be asked in the cult of the watchtower

    makes me sick

    17 years old

  • juni

    A girl who was 15.

  • lovelylil


    you are so right! I found out from my therapist that children who are abused like I was have a much higher chance of getting involved in a cult like the JWs. My hubby was abused also. And a lot of the friends I knew in the KH came from almost the exact background. I think there have been studies on this in the past.

    It makes sense because you are so used to having someone control you. My dad controlled all my friends too, what I wore, where I went, I mean everything. So, I went into the same environment because it felt so familiar.

    Also, I spent a lot of my childhood looking for approval from my parents and to feel special which I never got and as an adult I still needed it. And with the JWs, they tell you a lot in the beginning how special you are since God chose you and you are better than everyone else. Well, because I never felt good about myself before that, I fell for this hook, line and sinker.

    I am 37 now and I am finally free from this type of environment. I am still a Christian but consider myself a free agent in Christ. I associate with others in the faith and outside the faith. It is wonderful to be able to just live and make up my own mind on matters.

    I feel like in many ways, I have just started living my life. I write poetry now and read lots of books, go to lots of movies and I have been widening out in my association with many others. I feel like my life was on hold for 12 years and have learned more about life in the past two years than I learned in the 35 years before that. I trully enjoy each day and consider it a gift. And I cherish moments with my family I took for granted before.

    I am no longer a slave but a freeman (women) and life is wonderful!

  • vomit

    My sister got baptised and D.A`d at 15
    I was jealous, I faded at 19 about 6 months after she DA.
    My mother didnt know until about 2 years later I faded.
    But I never believed in much of the crap at 16, never "studied" any books after being baptised.
    Would denounce everything.

    Now 10 year later if some religion trys to recruit me eg. mormons, krishnas anything I just say I was a JW and its a pretty effective weapon.

  • TMS

    thoughts on this from a thread some time back.


  • AudeSapere

    I've been looking for a very sad post about this. Someone wrote about his younger un-baptised brother who was disassociated (or whatever the term was for disciplining unbaptized publishers). He wrote about the young guy crying himself to sleep while he hugged his green bible.

    The kid was never the same.

    Does anyone else remember that thread or who may have written it?

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is one reason I would not allow my children to be baptized. I told them they would have to wait until they were adults. Thank goodness they never got baptized. They are very troubled from the jw abuse, but they will speak to me. Neither one of them is a jw or even considering it. They don't believe the bunk.

  • under_believer

    This thread is a major downer. :(

  • BluesBrother

    A lad in my home town cong, had been baptized at 14 while living in America with his aunt. He returned home to his family and in the letter that the elders received it made clear that he had been in some difficulties but they still baptized him in CA. He got into petty crime and was d/f'd at no more that 15 or 16 .

    A sister, more recently was "marked" for association with her teenage pregnant daughter who had just been d/f'd . I was on the body and argued against the marking, but they did it anyway . The mother d/a'd herself after - so maybe it was not a bad thing in the end

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