Did you know of any JW's brothers that were "wife beaters"? Were they DF'd?

by booker-t 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • booker-t

    Years ago when I was attending my old KH there was an elder that was very stern. Bro Glen(not his real name) used to be very firm in telling students about their talks not being good, or where they needed to improve. I know I was "terrified" of Bro Glen. I always thought something was strange about his wife because she always seem to be sick and not at the meetings. Sis Glen was very shy-like and almost seemed like she was a "stepford" wife. Then one night the police were called at the Glen's home, it seems that Bro Glen got "drunk" and chased his wife and family out at gunpoint. I was in total shock and this was not he-say, she-say, the Glens had a daughter around my older sister's age and they were "best friends" and told each other everything. And the Glen's daughter told my sister that her father was a "wife beater" and abused Sis Glen often and that is why Sis Glen missed alot of meetings. Years later Sis Glen finally had had enough and left Bro Glen. It was the talk of the congo. But Bro Glen was "never" DF'd or Reproved. In fact he became a CO. So I am now wondering does Wife Beating occur often amoung JW's? Do you know of any JW's Elders or MS that "beat" their wives? And if so were they DF'd?

  • magoo

    .......disfellowshipped for practicing what there taught ? the man is the head of his household......the wife is to be in subjection to her husband. obey, honor....................barf.............some were even removed as servants for not keeping their wives " in line"....barf....

    do you see any women on the governing body? are there any c.o.'s or d.o.'s that are women? they are beneath man in the "society"



  • looking_glass

    I knew of several women who were beat by their husbands. They never pressed charges and they were counseled thru the elders (who were not fit to give marital advice and deal with abusive spouses). However, I know of two husbands whose wives would get drunk and beat the crap out of them as well. Those women never got df'd either. I think it was the whole "bring reproach on Jah" thing. So the elders never encouraged anyone to seek criminal charges against the abusive spouse. That I know of all four of those couples I am thinking of are no longer married.

  • Scully

    The daughter of a now deceased very prominent local elder confided to me that he used to regularly beat every one of his kids, including her. She also told me that he once threatened his wife with physical abuse and she put a stop to it by promising him that if he ever laid a hand on her, he needed to plan on not ever going to sleep for the rest of his life, because as soon as he did she'd slam his head with a cast iron frying pan and kill him. As long as he didn't hit her, she turned a blind eye to what he did to the kids.

    This was the "friend" who told me: If you turn your back on The Truth™, your three beautiful children would be better off if you took them out in the back yard and blew their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™.

    I guess when you live with violence like that, more violence is always a viable solution to any problem.

  • serendipity

    I've known two women who admitted to being battered wives. One was a JW, one was not. Other than that, there were whispers about it in the congs. I've been in, but I've not seen black eyes or visible proof. It's an unfortunate problem that goes beyond the JWs.

  • lovelylil

    Yes, there were three that I knew of in the 12 years I was with the Witnesses and one was an elder in good standing who beat his wife and three kids, and was an alchoholic. This guy REAKED of it, so I know it was not a secret.

    Speaking of alchohol, this was a huge problem in one congregation I was in, about 1/2 the cong. abused alcohol. My hubby and I are social drinkers only and usually stop at 2 drinks. The "friends" would keep trying to push more and more drinks on us. I thought it was wierd but did not find out until much later that this kind of abuse in rampant in the JWs.

  • collegegirl21

    Yeah, I guess our circuit had a problem with drinking b/c they said something about it at the 2 day assembly just about our circuit. I was thinking... damn, even the Jdub's know how to old their own with liquor in Wisconsin, lol..

  • juni

    I knew of a brother (MS) who beat his kids and emotionally abused his wife. Still a MS. He a grade A a******.


  • damselfly

    I knew of one who was beaten by her husband. It got so bad that she never stayed the weekend with him but would go spend it with friends. He never got DF'D as far as I knew. I think she was finally able to divorce him after YEARS of this abuse.


  • Elsewhere
    Re: Did you know of any JW's brothers that were "wife beaters"? Were they DF'd?

    Yes, several.

    No, none were ever disciplined. It was always the wife's fault for being such a "poor wife".

    Pardon me while I go puke.


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