There was a MS in our congregation who was an alcoholic ,,,he was not physically abusive with his wife but verbally abusive but he used to beat on his teenage son, the son was friends with my husband (who was a teen himself at the time) and he would tell him how his father would get drunk and slam him into walls . Finally, his wife decided to go to the elders about it.. he was removed from his postion for a while.. but otherwise no other punishment. His wife never did leave him.
Did you know of any JW's brothers that were "wife beaters"? Were they DF'd?
by booker-t 40 Replies latest jw friends
One I know of really well and personally the lady had been a jw all her life married a nonbeliver divorced eventually married a man with children na dshe had children then they had a couple of there own, first I heard of it one of her teen-age daughters left home really early and talk was she was pregnant ,a rumor started I think to cover up him abusing the kids, since the girl was not pregnant she and my daughter were friends. Eventually the woman told about the abuse in the house, He was an elder and when she had enough and went to the bro's for help they 'talked' to the husband, she told me her 'worldly' husband was kinder than hubby elder was. She said he stepped down as elder when they started building a home, but was not asked/told to.
La Capra
Pioneer Gal I knew had problems with her husband, and he spanked her. She got disfellowshipped, I think for not being a submissive wife. This was in the late 1980s.
She divorced him (after the disfellowshipping), went to college and married a really cool guy. I hope they're still married....
My brother in law used to beat up my sister and their kids, and I think he's still an elder.
Yes and no. I told my friend to record her husband abusing her. The elders refused to listen to the tape because it might prejudice them against her husband. How sick. Maggie M., I hope you are out now. You were one of the sweetest people, the most sincere. You did not deserve the abuse of your husband and then the elder body.
yes, my x, a ms, beat the crap outta me,,,,he hd a criminal trial, got a year in jail,jails were full so they put him on a bracelet for a year
he was not df'd
still in good standing, but , according to my son, he gets drunk at his weekly poker games where he alwys looses a lot of $
go figuire
A friend told me that her husband punched her in the stomach when she told him that she was pregnant--she miscarried--they did have a child after that, but the marriage did not last long. As far as I know, nothing ever happened to him.
From conversations that i have had with COs wife beating is quite common in congregations. I am not aware of any that were d/f for it, but do know of elders that had to step down for it.
I also have an email from a JW who was a child in the early 1970's. His father sold their house and they travelled in a caravan waiting for Armageddon in 1975. The father used to beat all the children, or lock them out of the van at night, saying that it was his responsibility to punish them so that they made it through Armadeddon. The father never was d/f, and is still a JW.
In a very patriarchal JW society it is unlikely that a JW husband will be criticised for beating or ill treating his wife. They have a very ancient mentality on this issue.