I left the Witness religion in 1997, and when I left I never turned back and do not even own or read any of their publications. I know it is wrong, beyond all doubt, so why waste my time at their meetings, conventions or assemblies. Why read information that is known to be bias, hurtful and not very well thought out? Yet from being on this board, I have come across several threads where people mention attending conventions, assemblies and meetings. I even see examples of people reading modern new publications (magazines and books) and taking them apart piece by piece, in an almost anti-book study manner. What I wonder, is why? To me, that seems like a colossal waste of time, and anti-productive in a post Witness world that should be more about looking forward to a new life and not taking so much time to look backwards. Sharing stories and thoughts of what happened, or what is happening in our life, seems good. I just don't know why we would want to spend so much time, faking a Witness life by attending or focusing so much on their modern publications. So for those of you who do this, can you share some insight? For others, what do you think about these actions?
Looking for some insight on why some people here do this
by free2beme 33 Replies latest jw friends
I even see examples of people reading modern new publications (magazines and books) and taking them apart piece by piece, in an almost anti-book study manner.
Just a comment on this.When some of us leave there is still a great fear of armaggeddon and pissing off Jehoova. Taking apart the pubs and mags can be therapeutic in a sense. An anti-book study is what some need to unlearn JWism.
I left 2 years ago after 28 years on the inside. To me it was all black and white. The world was wrong and the JW's were right. It wasn't till I left, crossed the line and looked back that I saw a whole different story. I think those who leave don't see the whole picture till they look back with different eyes as it were. You see things you never seen before. All of a sudden it doesn't look the same and you wonder, "Why didn't I see it". Maybe that's why some look and wonder, what locked me into this when it was so clear all along. Part of healing is trying to understand how one could have been so mislead.
- People might do this because deep down they may have some tiny little thing in the back of their mind that says to them; "What if it really IS the truth?" and they need to keep reading the publications to 'pick it apart' so that they further convince themselves that they indeed are on the right path in not believing the societies message. It takes some time for certain people to de-doctrinate after years and years of mind control.
-Some obviously stay in because of family, and NOT wanting to lose them because of getting DF'd.
-..or like me they read and read, and scour the publications looking for 'new light' because any new light may directly affect their relationship with their family, and they may hope that some changes will occur that will make it easier to leave. Also, I keep up with what's going on because I am looking for bits of evidence (with a hope filled heart) that the whole charade is falling apart. Or, I hope to find discrepencies that OTHER witnesses might find, hoping that they will see it, or that I somehow can drop subtle hints to those in to check out a certain article, hoping they will then develop some cognitive reasoning on their own.
There's a quote from the Godfather that makes a heck of a lotta sense to me; "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer".
I do think many here are in situations where they continue attending to please family members(or to at least avoid being shunned by them) So the 'anti-study' is a form of
therapy that allows that person to cope or deal with the circumstances they are in(being forced to attend)
I imagine it would also help that person create a good library of information that can be presented to loved ones when the time is right.
I'm a fader, I don't attend meetings, but I do collect various literature for research purposes so that I can prove to myself and others when necessary that the
watchtower is dishonest or at the very least misrepresents key points/facts.
For me, when I left, and I know everyone is different. I just left it all and did not even try to take anything with me. While I have looked into their Bible a few times to read a scripture that is referenced, I also read the King James bible I have a copy of too. I just refuse to attend another meeting or to read a Watchtower. While, at the same time, I will read some "quoted" references on here. So I guess they do serve some purpose.
Lady Lee
There actually is a good reason to review the WT material.
It is a way to deprogram out minds. As JWs our minds were so controlled. We were told what to believe without question. We need to do a couple of things after we leave.
- reassess what we were taught and understand it without the WT lens.
- determine what is useful to us and what is not
- reaffirm our decision to leave
And while we are doing that for ourselves, posting it here may hopefully help some other JW to begin to take the WT lens off
As for those who still go to meetings -- not all of them have left for a variety of reason but family seems to be top of the list. tearing WT material apart can be a very therapeutic way for them to keep their minds clear even if the body is still doing the WT thing
I am glad you responded on the attending part to my question, as that is the one that intrigues me the most. Reading can be done in the privacy of your own home, but attending as you there, right in the mess of it all. It is like going to the dump to snack on some rotten food. You know it is bad, you know it stinks and yet you do it anyway. I know some go because of family, but I don't think that is the reason for all.
People might do this because deep down they may have some tiny little thing in the back of their mind that says to them; "What if it really IS the truth?" and they need to keep reading the publications to 'pick it apart' so that they further convince themselves that they indeed are on the right path in not believing the societies message. It takes some time for certain people to de-doctrinate after years and years of mind control.
My sentiments, exactly. It's the reason why I find it necessary to de-activate by reading the chronicles of Crises of Conscience by Ray Franz, at least once every 2 years. I need to devote the same type of tenacity the Society pushes in disseminating their version of the Truth as to debunking and de-programming from their ideations because what they preach, does sound as if its the truth.
Lets face it. We were some pretty good six gun slingin' like Bible Thumpers, and many who professed to understand the Bible, we could, often, run circles around their reasoning with scripture and verse, toe to toe, word for word. Witnesses who were giftedly devoted to study could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo.
Lady Lee
you know free I ache for those who have to pretend or lose their families.
I have gone to a couple of meetings over the last 10 years. It just sucks. Knowing what I know now about the WTS sitting through a meeting was an exercise in knowing the real truth and having to restrain myself.
A family is hard to let go of. Especially if your life on the outside is very limited.