Looking for some insight on why some people here do this

by free2beme 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Free,

    I understand why you would be asking this, since some already have their friends and family out. Or have been the only ones in. However most have someone still in they love. By staying abreast of what is going on gives us the ability to be able to try and reason when we can with them on various subjects. All with the hope that one day they may actually stop and say, "Your right, this DOESN"T make sence." I know from my own experience that my Grandmother who is still in, is still hangig on to the fact that my Mother still asks for the literature. (My Mom only gets them to stay ontop of whats being taught to our family that is still in.) So she keeps that line of communication open, to a small degree. However, she allows me to get by with talking with her alot more. Many times it has come in handy reasoning to her from the latest comments in the literature. Although I do not go to any meetings anymore, I know some do just for their mates, or because they are fading. Count yourself the "lucky" one to be able to just brush yourself off and "walk away." I am sure there are many who wish they could do just that. I myself included.


    Lady Liberty

    P.S. We have been able to help quite a few out because of using the literature to show them. Because the most damning evidence is their own. So personally I want to have as many "tools" to help as possible.

  • KW13

    Well i dunno, its partly just to see what i left behind because i can't really remember what i used to do very well, its to help me see what my mum is learning so i have some fire to fight her fire with.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I haven't read any jw literature since I left, although I still have quite a lot of it, boxed or bagged up in my mums spare bedroom. I have nothing at home, not even a bible. I keep saying I 'm going to sort it all out, but somehow I don't seem to get around to it, and my mum doesn't mind, she is happy that I left the wts behind.

    To me, knowing what I know now, looking at that stuff would be too much of a reminder of over half a lifetime wasted in a cult, and I have vivid enough memories of those years in my head. I am not afraid to read it, and I know that doing so wouldn't tempt me to consider returning to the wts, but I cannot see how I would benefit in even the slightest way by reminding myself of the false promises that the wts has been peddling for the last 120 or so years.

  • greendawn

    I agree that both in theory and practice the JWs are not worth wasting time with though it can take time to adjust psychologically to leaving them and becoming part of normal society.


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