Bethel Downsizing - Management Discussions

by core 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • core

    The spin on downsizing is apparently "go out into the field" yet when the GB initially considered this it MUST have been presented as a practical problem - too much surplus HR capacity/ too expensive to maintain - or whatever and yet they TURNED it into a positive matter by stressing the return to the field - all those in such discussions are clearly able to deceive themselves as much as they try and deceive the "flock" - what do you think - did a discussion on a practical problem have to have a positive outcome and how did they twist their minds so as to sell it as such - for years they begged people to stay in Bethel service (make it your home for life) and now they cast them out into the world with the thin veneer of "speedin g up the preaching work .. etc"

    All those at the top must have been involved in turning this huge embarrasment (Jehovah will provide etc) into a positive spin - they should try out for a marketing award "Downsizing - the only way to grow!"

  • jstalin

    There were probably a variety of issues that contributed to the decision -

    1) Improved technology makes quite a number of jobs irrelevant and/or more efficient

    2) Lower circulation of publications

    3) Lower revenue

    These are conjecture on my part because I have no idea, but in my own experience with downsizing my own department, it's not usually one single issue.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I still don't understand (and I'm trying, really I am) - if WTBTS are cutting the number of staff at HQ Brooklyn, why are they building the new buidings at 85 Jay? As far as I understand it (though I may be wrong) they've got building permission on the basis that these are to be staff quarters.

    Anyone got any ideas?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Being at Bethel for some time, it was well known that there was a lot of mismanagement of funds and personnel.

    1st they started to see where they could save $ so they started the Unify Consolidate Simplify (something like that) strategy.

    They redid the meals. One menu for all 3 complexes. Before each complex had it's own menu.

    Each department had it's own tools (waste of money) so it was decided to establish 3 key locations so that any department needing tools was able to check them out.

    the society purchased a million dollar program called SAP that handled the management of stock and inventory and EVERYTHING else that got rid of programmers and stupid WT built software.

    Also, departments were flooded with workers with no work to do. We were told to look busy.

    then they said we are opening the doors so that you can go to gilead or TMS right out of Bethel.

    From a management position, these decisions came too late. It should not have gotten this far but the GB thought they could handle everything but obviously they couldn't so they hired the Branch Commiittee to make all these decisions.

    i agree, when the letter was read at the kingdom hall, i was, damn, so stupid... not surprised though, they operate like any other company who needs to look good so that they won't lose any customers.


  • What-A-Coincidence
    I still don't understand (and I'm trying, really I am) - if WTBTS are cutting the number of staff at HQ Brooklyn, why are they building the new buidings at 85 Jay? As far as I understand it (though I may be wrong) they've got building permission on the basis that these are to be staff quarters.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    JoeGrundy, I don't think they are actually building right now. A similar thing occured in the Patterson complex when it was said that the society was expanding or building offices in patterson. It never came about. The GB told us that they just want to know where they can go with things, "if the city gives the ok, it means we must have Jah's blessing." Load of crock once again. The city of WKL won't let them expand because they don't want a huge population of witnoids in the back country. If the society decided to stay in BRK (rumor is they want to relocate but not to wkl or pat) it would be to their advantage to build a new building in BRK. Right now they have many residences spread out in BRK ... Towers, Livingston (which was sold or in the process), 80 Orange, Standish, 124 CH, 107 CH, Bossert - this creates too much traveling of goods and services. It would be better to store the borgs in 2 buildings - Sands and Jay. IMHO

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Thanks for that, W-A-C.

    So it may be that they're downsizing, consolidating and preparing to liquidate some assets. It has seemed a bit crazy to me why they have their HQ in an area where real estate prices are so high. If I was one of their financial gurus I'd be advising them to liquidate their assets in the US (and UK and other countries) and move it offshore. Especially as their growth base now seems to be in developing countries, I'd probably also move the domicile of the WTBTS corporations to where it was outside the reach of US or EU courts.

    I realise, of course, that for all its alleged internationalism, JWs is still very much a US-based religion.

  • doinmypart


    Was there a letter read in the congregations recently announcing the "downsizing"?

  • LDH
    "Downsizing - the only way to grow!"


    As my old CEO would say, "You can't shrink your way to prosperity!"

  • enlightenedcynic
  • What-A-Coincidence

    doinyourpart - in a stupored state a vaguely remember them stating that many bethelites will be headed around the country to help out in the field because technology is doing much of the work in bethel - something to that effect, don't quote me. but yep, 2 weeks ago. i am surprised no one posted that, or maybe someone did. anyone?

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