They also went through a downsizing exercise in India. The problem there was nepotism - once in people did their level best to get all their friends and relatives into a fairly cushy environment.
What a shock when many were 'returned to the field' - witnessing in hot (110 degree F plus) dry rural areas!
Bethel Downsizing - Management Discussions
by core 51 Replies latest jw friends
However, the reason(s) for "downsizing" is directly related to recent court cases involving questions of 'employees vs volunteers'.
This does not surprise me one bit! It does make sense.
What is the end of the Bethel elder arrangement? I missed that one.
SAP has wrecked a lot of companies. It may finally mean the downfall of the organization! The diabolical thing takes over every aspect of your business and controls everything that you do, everything becomes very visible. Maybe that's a good thing, some consistency in the organization would be nice.
the society purchased a million dollar program called SAP that handled the management of stock and inventory and EVERYTHING else that got rid of programmers and stupid WT built software.
WaC- interesting, I used to sell ERP software and SAP was a competitor. It is amazing that the GB finally admitted that Holy Spirit can not program as well as a good German programmer.
I often wonder about the GB, and whether they understand the real reasons, or if they convince themselves it is always a spiritual issue. Is everything good from jehovah and bad from satan in their eyes, or do they recognise they are just a corporation competing in a competive market.
SAP is just a POS - inventory system, that has a DOS based look to it. I have been a user, I didn't like it....
The purchase of SAP, could add to the lack of need for some of the Elders. More likely though is the shrinking of the entire ORG.
More importantly, where willl these millions / billions they have stored going to go? If it comes apart then maybe some of those questions will clear up? In the break up maybe like ENRON we will see the exposre of some of the theives in the ORG.
It is however a pity that these do-gooders for the ORG are going to lose there vision of their umbrella and be sent into a hostile work force for $8-9.00 an hour with no insurance etc.
Sending Bethelites down to the congregations will have huge social implications to the organization. Remember the agonies of faith and dejection that Onacruse went through when he was booted back. He never had a vision PAST Bethel. By sending him back, his entire identity and purpose was stripped away.
Think of it, ex-Bethelites, disillusioned, discouraged past any sort of local encouragement....spreading either cynicism or insanity. Young people watching won't be signing up for THAT program.
ex-Bethelites, disillusioned, discouraged past any sort of local encouragement....spreading either cynicism or insanity
Someone call me???
I was telling my folks how the new KM (last page) talks about spiritual goals. Parragraph 5 talks about BETHEL service in an indirect way. Bastards. I told my dad about this and he said they suck all you got and then they let you go. I said you got that right. I told them there are a lot of angry bethelites right now. Well more points for me to get my dad out of the borg.
Parragraph 2 of that KM is taken out of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BOOKS...WT my arse!
Other notes: Headquarters uses SAP. I believe the branches use Peachtree. Their is some other program they are implementing, BRANCH ADMIN 2000 or something. I think it's basically a database that handles branch inventory and other branch functionality.
It just comes down to people being institutionalized and not being able to find their place in society.
SAP - as Fanghorn says that has wrecked many businesses, in my time I have seen mammoth businesses crumble as they try to implement modules of SAP. Having that as against the in-house bits and pieces really nails it that the WT is a business, a big business, nothing more nor less and the "downsizing" is purely to cut costs at HO with no regard for these "downsized" - just the fig leaf of "speeding up the chariot - in the field" as a cover.
In English its simply that many have had what we call their P45s - the sack, but unlike workers for a business, no cost to the firm! No redundancy money, retraining or other financial assistance - a brilliant way to make and keep making money