Bethel Downsizing - Management Discussions

by core 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • doinmypart


    In my area we seem to get WTS letters late, but I also miss a lot of meetings. I didn't know if I missed the letter or we just haven't received it yet. The PO made a comment at the meeting Sunday about the downsizing and there weren't many raised eyebrows...perhaps everyone at this KH accepted it.

  • parakeet

    Joe Grunday said, "I realise, of course, that for all its alleged internationalism, JWs is still very much a US-based religion."
    You got that right. I always loved those illustrations of JWs in "paradise" -- a bunch of people of different races and nationalities all crowding around what looked like a midwestern (Iowa maybe?) barbecue.

  • enlightenedcynic

    On a human/personal level I think what the society is doing, by sending ones who have served at Bethel faithfully for years back out into the "field", is disgusting. I know a brother who has been at bethel since his late teens for over 30 years. He and his emotionally unstable wife(she is a sweetheart, God bless her) are being "reassigned" to the southwest. He is nearly 50 years old with no real marketable skill. Will the "slave" continue to provide financial support, health/life insurance benefits, etc..... I think not, because as always, the bottom line with the society is MONEY!!!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    An intereresting aspect of this is the question; How will it affect the congregations to which these boys and girls are sent now?

    I always hated the superior aire that these guys brought to a congregation. Could this move actually backfire and make some take another look at the organization - I know that the move in of a couple of arrogant bastard elders [not bethel relocated ones] gave me pause for reflection in a time when I was starting to see that the organization was not what it claimed. I actually think these guys were a final straw catalyst to our leaving.


  • IT Support
    IT Support


    the society purchased a million dollar program called SAP that handled the management of stock and inventory and EVERYTHING else that got rid of programmers and stupid WT built software.

    I'm told that while the software cost a million, it was more than that again for the cost of all the consultants involved in setting it up and configuring it.

  • hamsterbait

    There are too many old ones past their sell-by date.

    The bill to support these ones into their 70s (Though armageddy was nearer than that!) is going to be ruinously expensive.

    Get rid of as many as possible before they think of taking the WT to court for the necessary compensation.

    Notice that the DC are still touting for young ones to make Bethel "their career".

    I reckon we are at the start of another 30 year cycle, where the old ones that leave as disillusioned are just natural wastage, but there is a new young gullible generation who does not know what went on to be duped out of their life and soul.


  • KW13

    Maybe they've seen a hole where their money is running away to and they want to maximize their income and make their out goings unless on paper as little as possible.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    GB tried hard to shoot down SAP but were pushed over to buy it. It was a long project to implement. I mean you need the right servers, you need licenses, you need personnel to train others in the ways of SAP ... i believe Lloyd Mainers helped to push it through. MAJOR PRICE TAG...not only for the software itself but the implementation of it.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    on another note...if they accept Bethelites now, it won't be for full time anymore ... you get called in and in a year they will let you know if you are bethel material.

    bethel service seemed to have been a guaranteed career but that ended in the year 2001.

    they will definitely need people but they would get them on a as needed basis.

    back in the late 90's it was said, if you make 5 years here you are a lifer.

    the world "lifer" does not exists in bethel anymore unless you are a GB member or a heavy. otherwise, you are dispensable.

    when i visited bethel after i left it was a weird feeling, you could sense a sadness in the air, a sort of quietness never before experienced, the long Bethelites I spoke to do not want to be assigned anywhere else, some just don't care about their bethel service anymore.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies
    but there is a new young gullible generation who does not know what went on to be duped out of their life and soul.

    Hopefully with the rise of the Internet and the increasingly dated message/methods of the Borg, the new young generation will not be so gullible...

    No Apologies

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