Extra training ... so you know that shooting babies is WRONG ?!?

by Simon 146 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    How dumb and pathetic.

    No extra training should be necessary for even slightly trained and disciplined soldiers. I guess it is for some of the rabble that the US call "troops" though.

    Of course the real problem is not just those on the ground that have committed the latest attrocity. It is the chain of command that tried to cover it up and all the way up to the president who sanctions bombing of civilian targets with nothing more than rumour for "intelligence".

    From now on America, you are on your own. Who knows which sides people will be on next time you want to start a war.

  • under_believer

    Yeah the extra training thing is ludicrous. You realize that the Islamic world has known about this for months, in fact since it happened. Western leaders were also aware of it. It's only the Western public that didn't know about it. I was really hoping for more outrage from the White House, but what we got was the same general incurious disinterest we have gotten for every other crisis of this administration.

  • rebel8

    Bush has little ability to "think on his feet" in press conferences and tends to say stupid stuff....which I suspect reflect his true opinions, because he didn't have time to turn on his Political Corectness Filter.

    I remember the day he declared war on Iraq. The media pressed him for reasons why. Finally he said it was ok to declare war on Iraq even if he wasn't sure they had terrorists there because Hussein tried to assassinate his dad, so Iraq deserved it.

  • just2sheep

    this happened in viet nam. remember my lai? there isn't an army in the world that is above this type of action. jews kill palistinian(spelling?) women and children, the palistinians kill jewish women and children. muslims kill themselves and any man, woman, or child unfortunate enough to be in their vicinity when they blow themselves up. anti-muslims kill themselves and any man, woman, or child unfortunate enough to get in the way. how many women and children did the english kill in their their many wars against black people in africa? hell even the african soldiers only had knives and spears. and by the way some of those knives and spears were used to kill women and children. no country, no militia, no army, no rebel force, no guerilla band is innocent. every military victory is awash in the blood of women and children, it is true now, it was true in the past, and it will be true in the future. i am ashamed of the human race. and i think everyone else should be also. not because i am ashamed, but because it is a shameful thing. this world cannot end soon enough.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Of course this is horrible. I understand that this kind of horror is a product of and in any war. Young soldiers are driven so crazy from the inner struggle of "Thou shalt not kill" and then being trained and licensed to kill. It's an insane way to have to live from day to day, let alone month to month or even year to year. War is horrible. Americans aren't the only soldiers that have done such tragic and terrible things throughout history.

    The Bush administration was horribly wrong to invade Iraq. On the other hand, to dream that war crimes are uniquely American, is to be limited in the understanding of the scope of this brand of tragic and senseless wartime violence.

  • Abaddon

    Those involved in any way should face the consequences, especially any higher command involved in a cover-up.

    Having said that... N n n n - n n N n n n n Nineteen.

    Brutalised young adults do brutal things. Doesn't matter if they're American, British, Iraqui or Icelandic, Christian, Muslim or Hindu. Most involved will likely be banal in their ordinariness. There is no clean war. This happened before violent video games, this is the side of human nature we most need to guard against.

    The fact it happened is nothing to do with America or Americans. The fact the circumstances that allowed it to happen came about are to a large extent the responsibility of the US government.

    The American government have been grossly incompetent and deceptive in their conduct relating to Iraq. The British government have been USass lickers. 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet', or rather 'Quis custodiet ipsos Americanii'.

    How can America have any credibility as a just and fair world power and expect other countries to trust it (as a political entity, you'all Americans in general are just fine and friendly people)?

    It is very very sad. America has such potential for good, but they can equally totally screw the pooch.

    And yes, it's jolly unfair that America always gets criticised. But which part of it being the most powerful economic and millitarilyy active country in the world don't you get? There's so much more to criticise on account of scale; it's not that Iceland doesn't do bad things, it's just they're tiny.


    The last time I looked peopla are innocent until proven guilty. At least it is here in America. I for one am willing to allow ALL the evidence to come forth, unlike the the people above me.

  • Mastodon

    OK, if they did it in purpose, shame on them. But it is true that no army is above guilt of killing children and woman.
    Of course, Muslim insurgents and terrorist have been hiding behind women and children, using them as shields, for decades...

  • blondie

    I'm certain that the vast majority of people in the US do not approve of this or condone it and expect that any guilty parties should be punished.


  • Mastodon

    What can you expect of a "C" average fake President and his fake war "Iraqui Oil Freedom". We are getting what we deserve, if the majority of the people are idiots, that means our leaders are stupid because they come from among the people. Like Carlin said: Garbage In, Grabage Out.

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