He wasn't the typical elder.
Dad was a gifted man, highly intelligent...Very analytical. I remember when my JW sister married a no-good jerk, while everyone told her she should stay married because of how holy it all was, Dad was the first one to tell her to get a divorce. He was the one who, when my sister was DF'd and a while after reconstructed her house (which was in rather bad shape), Dad took her and her children to his house to live there while the new house got built. The elder in his congregation started to give him hell for that, and he just said "Is is an example of Jehovah's love to leave my daughter alone when she need me? If so, then you can have my privileges revoked, 'cos I won't leave her on the streets." They didn't do anything to him! He was like that.
Dad was pretty serious about the thought that there could be life on other planets--not the freaky stuff you read about in the National Enquirer, but he thought that they might be humans too, like us, since according to the Bible we are such a nice creation...
Dad didn't think that Jehovah made what he called "little personal miracles", because that went against the thinking that we had complete liberty to choose our path, and that it made God be partial to certain people...
Dad read a lot of "bad" stuff, like books from other religions, and he had copies of a lot of different Bible translations. After he died, I found a couple of "apostate" books, which my mother threw away...
Dad was a valuable individual to the Society while he was in good health...Helping in the administration of Conventions, and being an expert in electrical work, did a lot of that for the construction of the local Branch Office. His organizational skills made him be the right hand of a lot of people in the Society.
I think he was there because he, having gone to early retirement from IBM, really liked the work involved and to be honest, the recognition it brought to him sometimes among certain circles. I know he liked it...Because he didn't kiss any asses, and I know about it because the things he told me about high-ranking members of the Society.
I know he would have understood me now...