So, okay you 'christians', what does God REALLY

by AGuest 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    want of 'us'?

    I would exhort you to first ask... and then LISTEN... to the Master's voice on the matter, and if you cannot 'hear'... or exercise FAITH in what you 'hear'... then go to the 'scriptures'. For indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures. It is NOT, however, 'written' in the letters, histories, chronologies and gospels. No, you MUST check the 'scriptures' for this one.

    Also keep in mind that a slave... is not 'greater' than his master. Thus, if it is 'required' of us, then it would also be required of our Lord. And if it was 'required' of HIM... then most certainly is it required of us.

    (HINT: It has NOTHING to do with the Ten Commandments.)

    Until (and perhaps even IF) I hear from you on this matter:

    May the undeserved kindess and mercy of our God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... if indeed you have not yet received it... and so with it.

    I am...

    A servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,


  • Frenchy

    If I were allowed one question by God to which I would get a full and complete answer that would be it.

    I think it is THE question.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Julie

    Judges 4:21
    And Jael the wife of Heber proceeded to take a pin of the tent and to put the hammer into her hand. Then she went to him stealthily and drove the pin through his temples and beat it into the earth while he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.

    Judges 5:24-26
    Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite will be most blessed among women, among women in the tent she will be most blessed. Water he asked, milk she gave; In the large banquet bowl of majestic ones she presented curdled milk. Her hand to the tent pin she then thrust out, and her right hand ot the mallet of hard workers. And she hammered Sisera, she pierced his head through, and she broke apart and cut up his temples.

    My question is: If I drive a tent spike through the temples of some guy's head can I too be "most blessed among women in the tent"?

    Looking for the easy, albeit messy, way to salvation--

  • Naeblis

    I don't like where this is going... :( *massages his temples*

  • Seeker
    For indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures.

    Which scriptures? Hindu? No? Why not?

  • Seeker
    Looking for the easy, albeit messy, way to salvation--

    (Making mental note never to take a nap in Julie's presence...)

  • nytelecom1
    For indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures. It is NOT, however, 'written' in the letters, histories, chronologies and gospels.

    i thought the scriptures were letters, chronology, history,

    boy i am screwed

  • joelbear

    i'd say god wants us to stop yapping about how we are god's servants and everything and actually go out and help somebody anonymously as possible so that we are doing an act of as pure a giving as possible

    fairly simple.

    when you give without payment or reward you have acted in a spiritually uplifting manner

    everything else is bullshit

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace... and keeping in mind that this was addressed to 'christians', I will allow just a bit more time for any who 'wish' to... to answer. I must say, however, that the silence is a bit ominous, seeing as there are those who believe themselves to BE 'christians' and all.

    Not intending to 'provoke', but to invoke serious contemplation...

    A slave of Christ,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Nobody understood your Question.
    Since you asked: Christians, what does God really want of us?

    What you wrote here is thowing everbody off:

    I would exhort you to first ask... and then LISTEN... to the Master's voice on the matter, and if you cannot 'hear'... or exercise FAITH in what you 'hear'... then go to the 'scriptures'. For indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures. It is NOT, however, 'written' in the letters, histories, chronologies and gospels. No, you MUST check the 'scriptures' for this one.

    Also keep in mind that a slave... is not 'greater' than his master. Thus, if it is 'required' of us, then it would also be required of our Lord. And if it was 'required' of HIM... then most certainly is it required of us.

    I think the answer you are looking for is to Listen to Him.

    But I don't get the above quote either to tell the truth.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

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