So, okay you 'christians', what does God REALLY

by AGuest 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dearest 'MOM... hey, girl... may you have peace and may ALL praise be given to our Father, the Most High God, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, and all glory to His Son, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    BigMan... as always... may the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of His Christ and my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you, if you so wish it... to time indefinite.

    JustAThought... thank you and peace to you, dear one... and you are correct. I did not 'entertain' Julie's first question, as I 'heard' nothing in answer to it, but initially responded to the question she asked in another thread. My bad...

    DWilt... peace to you, in Christ.

    Tom, Doug, Julie, Cassiline, et al.,.... whatever. I answered what I saw, when I saw it, and when the answer was granted me, and what I did not... UNTIL an answer was granted me. Funny, though... no comment on the answer; rather, more malicious maligning and slander. VERY funny, yes? I mean, for all of your combined 'intelligence', you would THINK one 'a youse would have had SOMETHING to say about the 'truth' my Lord presented.

    But... no. Ah, well, I am sure there are 'stones' all OVER this planet. If I am what you SAY I am, what then are YOU to do? I present to you, then, my 'other' cheek and say that all you need do is pick one up... and throw it.

    A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a TRUE slave of Christ... to time indefinite...


  • Julie

    Hi Shelby--

    I am replying to the lengthy 'answer' you were 'given' more in depth than earlier because it is making me sick to see you dragging a cross about the board.

    You said:

    It depends. On what? On whether you had 'license' to kill such individual in such a way... or whether you did not. If you did, which means you were obeying my Father... the ONLY One who can GRANT such 'license'... for ALL life belongs to HIM and only HE is the One who can grant it to be taken away (Job 1:12; 2:6)... (even by Death, for even Death is subject to Him)... then you would have no 'bloodguilt'. And yes, you would be considered 'blessed among women,' not only for having the courage to commit the act, but for your FAITH (and resultant obedience) in carrying it out. And you would be 'without sin', for faith is a fruit of my Father's spirit... and 'against such things, there is NO law.'

    Shelby, this has to be one of the sickest things I have seen, besides of course Rex/WW's explanations/justifications of wholesale slaughter. I am just incredulous that you are OK with the reasoning that such a heinous act could ever be excusable. On the one hand you project your imagined martyrdom with your "I'll-turn-the-other-cheek" stuff but then you can explain how it is OK, even commendable, to kill someone, and in a very gruesome way to boot. Do you not see the contradiction here?

    You said:
    IF, however, you chose to take it upon yourself, and take such a life... WITHOUT 'license'... and indeed, even more, if such life was 'innocent'... no... you would not be 'blessed among women,' for you took... what was not yours to take. You would then be 'with' sin... and require forgiveness. Which could be granted, if you asked for it out of a pure motive, such motive being true contriteness and regret for your 'error'.

    You know Shelby, I didn't see anywhere in the bible where this woman "received direction" to commit this horrible act. The motive was to kill an enemy in war which is very ungodlike. Aren't the wars in the bible generally to claim land "promised" to "God's people"? If God was so kind and all-powerful I would think that a.) he wouldn't promise land to "his people" that others already occupied and b.) he would give them something other than the shittiest real estate on the planet. Some god! Thanks for nothing I would say.

    You said:
    And granting of such forgiveness would depend on whether or not your heart... was 'pure'. If it was not, then no forgiveness could be granted, for you acted out of MALICE and HATRED... and willfully so. The 'ransom', then, would possess no 'value' by means of YOUR act... and YOUR 'unclean' heart... and thus, would not 'cover' you.

    So are you telling me that when this woman drove a spike through the temples of this man her heart was filled with love????? With love like that I will take hate any day. Apparently you have a mighty twisted view of love--must be the remains of having been in a wretched cult. You poor thing. I sure as hell hope you don't "love" your kids this much. Such reasoning could certainly be used to justify abuse.

    You said:
    So do not be misled: the undeserved kindness and mercy of my Father is NOT to be taken lightly. It is not as if we can use it as an EXCUSE for 'loose conduct', and think that we can do what we want and be forgiven... automatically. It is weakness of the flesh that is covered, not deliberate sin born of an underestimation of the 'value' of my Lord's sacrifice. Indeed, the sacrifice provided by my Lord will 'cover' ANY sin, save blasphemy against the holy spirit... as long as such 'sin' is not HIDDEN, and... as long NO malice or hatred was involved.

    I see. So again we are looking at your claim that this woman had no malice or hatred in her heart when she drove a tent spike through a guy's temples. Of course we skip on to the claim that all is forgiven with "the sacrifice provide by 'my' Lord" but you seem to get your chronology mixed up. This is an OT tale. No crucifixion saving this woman of 'pure heart'.

    You said:
    If it was the result of an act of love, however, like saving a loved one perhaps... then it is 'covered'... for love 'covers a multitude of transgressions' AND as another 'fruit' of my Father's spirit... there is no 'law'... against love. That is the very reason why my Father could kill those who persecuted Israel. For He LOVED Israel and, as He said: "He that is touching YOU... is touching MY eyeball."

    My sentimental favorite bible stories are how Israel's all-loving protector got pissed off with them and sold them into slavery. Yes, with a heavenly father like that we are all in trouble. Sick.

    You said:
    I, myself, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISHCAJAH, by means of holy spirit.

    Shelby, you make me sick with your claims that God speaks to you. You are incredibly self-promoting here. I can't believe you claim to be so loving etc. and so special that God would talk to you but not bother with those who REALLY suffer in this world. I don't mean those who suffer from delusions I mean SERIOUS suffering.

    I feel sorry for your kids. I think your answer was incredibly weak, it was the same old blather we see time and time again, how horrible acts are supposedly done to gain favor in the eyes of God. Why was it ok to kill everyone not a Jew in the OT but the rules change in the NT? Is God so ditzy that he can't make up his mind? He must be if he ignores all the poor souls in the world to give you this un-enlightened blather for this board.

    Becoming increasingly disgusted--

  • Winston


    You know this whole claiming to speak for God thing is going to get you in a Whole lotta trouble.

    Now is not the time to be playing these games, they maybe fun to you, but those of us on this board are a little tired of mind control and so don't feel too good when some one comes around here making these claims.

    We fought hard for our sanity and will keep puting you to the test, if we didn't then what really have we learned from being in one cult aready.

    I for one like your kindness and feel you are very intelligent, you have a lot to offer. So when you post tell me your thoughts I'll listen even better you don't need to say they our from God to get us to listen, we like you Shelby.

    Let it go.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?
  • Cassiline

    AGuset Quotes,

    >>>>>Tom, Doug, Julie, Cassiline, et al.,.... whatever. I answered what I saw, when I saw it, and when the answer was granted me, and what I did not... UNTIL an answer was granted me. Funny, though... no comment on the answer; rather, more malicious maligning and slander. VERY funny, yes? I mean, for all of your combined 'intelligence', you would THINK one 'a youse would have had SOMETHING to say about the 'truth' my Lord presented.

    AGuest's quote's,>>>>>>>Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and dear one, I answered the question. In truth... and in quite some detail. If you did not 'hear' and/or 'get the sense of it'... I am not sure how to proceed from here. Perhaps you can review what I was given to share... and tell me SPECIFICALLY what you did not understand. Okay? Okay. And, again, peace to you.

    >>>>>>>>Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and may you know and understand that in ALL truth... I had not yet received an answer until earlier today. Seriously. And so until then, I didn't even entertain your question. But, my Lord has condescended to make a reply. Thus, the word of my Lord to you, in answer to your question is:

    Your sidestepping the obvious. And then you maline us. You were caught in a lie or misinterpertation from your 'spirit guide' and you cant get around it by taking the focus off yourself. Why would you think you were replying to a question from another post of Julies if your 'spirit guide' is all knowing?????
    Cut the poopie and answer like a WOMAN. I'll be waiting patiently until you get your 'spirit guides' canard's.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Naeblis

    AGuest has been caught inlies before. She seems to think this is unimportant. What she does not understand is that no matter how good her "message" is, people will never listen to someone who has been caught in lies in the past. Sorry. May YOU 'hear' and understand.

  • Cassiline

    Tapping Fingers Waiting.........................For Aguest to reply


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • AGuest

    "Here we go loop-dee-looooooo..."

    May you all have peace. Cass, honey, wait... and tap those fingers... no more.

    Okay, ONE more time, for those of you who don't seem to be able to 'hear':

    Hi Shelby--

    Hi, Julie...

    I am replying to the lengthy 'answer' you were 'given' more in depth than earlier because it is making me sick to see you dragging a cross about the board.

    Uh, I don't really think it's a cross, Jule. More like a 'torture... ummm, stake, pole, tree' kind of thing. And please know that I am not 'dragging' it, per se. I actually have some help carrying it.

    Matthew 11:29, 30

    You said: It depends.

    Indeed, I did say that... and let's just assume I continued the quote...

    Shelby, this has to be one of the sickest things I have seen, besides of course Rex/WW's explanations/justifications of wholesale slaughter.

    Well, okay.

    I am just incredulous that you are OK with the reasoning that such a heinous act could ever be excusable.

    And yet, bombing Hiroshima, arming the Contras, arming the Israelies, hijacking planes, bombing 110-story towers, incinerating people, dropping napalm on 'em... etc., etc., etc... are 'excusable' acts. Yes? Okay, Julie. If you say so.

    On the one hand you project your imagined martyrdom with your "I'll-turn-the-other-cheek" stuff

    Imagined? Martyrdom? I spoke truth. Something wrong with speaking truth, Jules?

    but then you can explain how it is OK, even commendable, to kill someone, and in a very gruesome way to boot. Do you not see the contradiction here?

    Actually, I am quite sorry, Julie... but, no, I don't. One man was killed in the account you gave. By one woman. Okay, the tent pin through the temple was a little 'gutsy', but... a tent pin... a bullet... I think the result would have been the same.

    You said: IF, however, you chose to take it upon yourself, and take such a life... WITHOUT 'license'... and indeed, even more, if such life was 'innocent'... no... you would not be 'blessed among women,' for you took... what was not yours to take. You would then be 'with' sin... and require forgiveness. Which could be granted, if you asked for it out of a pure motive, such motive being true contriteness and regret for your 'error'.

    Actually, I only reiterated it. I didn't make up the 'rule'... I only reiterated it. And then, only because YOU asked. I mean, you DID ask, didn't you? And my Father responded. Through my Lord. And now you are upset? Then why ask? It's not like you asked me to tell you what you WANTED to 'hear'... is it? I mean, you DID want me to tell you the TRUTH, yes? And that is what I did. You asked, I asked... and you were answered. How is that you now have a problem?

    You know Shelby, I didn't see anywhere in the bible where this woman "received direction" to commit this horrible act.

    No, I am sure you didn't. It was not recorded. It WAS, however, recorded that she would do it... BEFORE she did it. Yes? I mean, Deborah and Barak "received" the "direction", yes?

    The motive was to kill an enemy in war which is very ungodlike.

    War? "Ungodlike"? Uh, to which 'god' are you referring? Certainly not the Holy One of Israel, who is, after all, "a manly man of war". Yes? But the DIFFERENCE is, He 'wars'... ONLY... in righteousness.

    Aren't the wars in the bible generally to claim land "promised" to "God's people"?

    Actually, no. Not all of them. A good many of them, but not all of them. On many occasions, it was because their enemies had 'come against' them.

    If God was so kind and all-powerful I would think that a.) he wouldn't promise land to "his people" that others already occupied and b.) he would give them something other than the shittiest real estate on the planet. Some god!

    I believe you to be in error, Julie. My Father didn't promise land to His people that others already occupied. Like many others, YOU forget that the land BELONGED to Israel, by means of my Father having GIVEN it to Abraham and Lot. Yes? And simply because Israel moved to Egypt did not negate their ownership of the land. And, the folks who 'squatted' on that land in their absence knew VERY well to whom it belonged, for they, too, were Hebrews... descendants from Lot, Esau, Ammon, Moab, etc.

    Thanks for nothing I would say.

    Perhaps, then, that's why you have not yet been granted a portion of the 'inheritance' of Israel. It would most probably mean 'nothing' to you, anyway.

    You said:
    And granting of such forgiveness would depend on whether or not your heart... was 'pure'. If it was not, then no forgiveness could be granted, for you acted out of MALICE and HATRED... and willfully so. The 'ransom', then, would possess no 'value' by means of YOUR act... and YOUR 'unclean' heart... and thus, would not 'cover' you.

    Again, yes, I reiterated that.

    So are you telling me that when this woman drove a spike through the temples of this man her heart was filled with love?????

    First, Julie... I... am telling you nothing. You asked; I was granted to answer, but it was not my answer. Second, yes, I would say she possessed love: love for my Father, as demonstrated by her faith and obedience... and love for Israel, whom she saved from being slaughtered at the behest of this man.

    With love like that I will take hate any day.

    I see that you already have. I can't say that you wear it well, though.

    Apparently you have a mighty twisted view of love--must be the remains of having been in a wretched cult.

    You know neither me, my 'view' of love... or what 'remains' in me. But, yes, the 'cult' was indeed 'wretched'. I simply MUST agree with you there.

    You poor thing.

    Save your pity, child. I am quite sure there are many more than I who 'deserve' it.

    I sure as hell hope you don't "love" your kids this much. Such reasoning could certainly be used to justify abuse.

    Well, in truth, Julie, I can't really say what I would do to a man who was threatening the life of my children, as well as that of my people. Perhaps I would feel like many here feel about Tuesday incident. Perhaps. Perhaps I would have no trouble driving a tent pin through his temple. Perhaps. I can honestly say, though, that if he did NOT mean any personal harm to my children... or my people... I would have no malice toward him. As for him having such toward my 'leaders', I would say to you that the One I 'follow'... can take care of himself. He does not need to hide behind innocent women and children. If He 'wants' someone... He can get them. Without any help from me, too.

    You said: So do not be misled: the undeserved kindness and mercy of my Father is NOT to be taken lightly. It is not as if we can use it as an EXCUSE for 'loose conduct', and think that we can do what we want and be forgiven... automatically. It is weakness of the flesh that is covered, not deliberate sin born of an underestimation of the 'value' of my Lord's sacrifice. Indeed, the sacrifice provided by my Lord will 'cover' ANY sin, save blasphemy against the holy spirit... as long as such 'sin' is not HIDDEN, and... as long NO malice or hatred was involved.

    Yes, I reiterated that, too.

    I see. So again we are looking at your claim that this woman had no malice or hatred in her heart when she drove a tent spike through a guy's temples.

    MY 'claim'? Oh, no, dear. I wasn't there, so there is NO way I could have known her heart. But I was not under the impression that you were asking ME to account for the acts of my Father and/or His people. I thought, really, that you would rather hear from Him, by means of my Lord. I mean, who better to tell you what was what, right?

    Of course we skip on to the claim that all is forgiven with "the sacrifice provide by 'my' Lord" but you seem to get your chronology mixed up. This is an OT tale. No crucifixion saving this woman of 'pure heart'.

    Again, I think it is you that is error. Was not Rahab OT? How about Moses? Joseph? David? And whose 'sacrifice' saved them, may I ask? Was it not said about Moses that he 'esteemed the reproach of the CHRIST as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt? How could he do so, if he didn't even KNOW my Lord? And David? Did he not say, "JAH said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand'?" How then, could David call my Lord HIS Lord, if he had no salvation by that One?

    Again, I think you are in error here, Julie, and I don't think you know your "Bible" as well as you think you do.

    You said: If it was the result of an act of love, however, like saving a loved one perhaps... then it is 'covered'... for love 'covers a multitude of transgressions' AND as another 'fruit' of my Father's spirit... there is no 'law'... against love. That is the very reason why my Father could kill those who persecuted Israel. For He LOVED Israel and, as He said: "He that is touching YOU... is touching MY eyeball."

    Yes, again, I reiterated that statement. So?

    My sentimental favorite bible stories are how Israel's all-loving protector got pissed off with them and sold them into slavery.

    I beg your pardon? "Sold" them into slavery? No, you are mistaken. ADAM "sold" us... ALL of us... into 'slavery'. Now, my Father did ALLOW Israel to be taken into exile... twice... the 10-tribe kingdom to the Assyrians and the 2-tribe kingdom to Babylon... but in TRUTH... Israel WANTED TO GO! How so? Did not my Father BEG them to turn around, and TELL them what awaited them if they didn't?

    Go back and read some more, Jules. You are missing a few 'vital' facts.

    Yes, with a heavenly father like that we are all in trouble. Sick.

    Well, you are assuming that He is your Father... and you are His Son. But, I PROMISE you... He 'rejects' those that reject Him... so you might want to rethink your... ummmmm, 'familial' status. But now watch - you will be CHAGRINED that I even hinted you might not BE a 'son of God'... the 'god' that YOU evidently don't even WANT to be 'son' of. And, yet, I'm the confused one...

    You said: I, myself, have spoken it to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISHCAJAH, by means of holy spirit.

    Yes, and that was truth.

    Shelby, you make me sick with your claims that God speaks to you.

    Well, that might be because again you are in error. God... does not speak to me. At least, not on a regular basis. He has, actually, once. When He sent His Son, my Lord, in answer to my request for such. But in TRUTH... it is my Lord... and the Spirit... that speak to me. SIGH! Another 'error' on your part, Jules.

    You are incredibly self-promoting here.

    Yes, I have given all praise and glory... to myself. And absolutely NOT mention of my Father... or my Lord. I know. Folks say I do it all the time.

    I can't believe you claim to be so loving etc. and so special that God would talk to you but not bother with those who REALLY suffer in this world.

    EXCUSE ME, Miss Julie... but now I think you are quite in error and quite out of line. IF you had condescended to read what I am permitted to post... YOU would see that I BELIEVE... and SAY... that GOD SPEAKS... to ALL of mankind. And that it is MANKIND... who fail to HEAR... and listen. I have said that so many times, I don't think ANYONE here can give us a count. And, yet, you think me 'deaf'...

    I don't mean those who suffer from delusions I mean SERIOUS suffering.

    Yes, I know what you meant. You meant those in NYC... and their loved ones. I just happened to think that those who experienced Hiroshima, etc... ALSO 'suffered'. But, well... silly me for thinking anyone other than AMERICANS suffer...

    I feel sorry for your kids.

    I think you alluded to that already. But in truth? Don't feel sorry for them. They are doing QUITE well. I love them VERY much, and they love ME... VERY much. And they love my Father and Lord and are loved by them, as well. We're okay, Julie, so please... as I said, save your pity for those who 'deserve' it.

    I think your answer was incredibly weak,

    You are entitled to your opinion...

    it was the same old blather we see time and time again, how horrible acts are supposedly done to gain favor in the eyes of God.

    Well, I thought we were only talking about one particular act, but...

    Why was it ok to kill everyone not a Jew in the OT but the rules change in the NT?

    I'm sorry... but are you intimating that Israelites are only Jews? Surely, you know this is untrue, yes? Was not almost the entire tribe of Benjamin, who were Israelites, but not 'Jews' (although later considered 'Jews', almost wiped OUT... so that the only way they survived as a tribe was to join up with the Jews (Judah)?

    I implore you... IF you are going to put your 'trust' in the Bible... you should at LEAST read it and get your facts straight. By the way, you sincerely err... TERRIBLY... when you accuse me to believing the Bible to be God's Word. You are in SERIOUS error, for I believe nothing of the sort. But... since you DON'T know me... contrary to what your accusations suggest... you wouldn't know that.

    Is God so ditzy that he can't make up his mind? He must be if he ignores all the poor souls in the world to give you this un-enlightened blather for this board.

    Perhaps that will be your next question, or His next response: DOES He in fact ignore all the poor souls in the world... I think, though, that you would be surprised. But I don't think you will 'get the sense' of it. But, we would have to see, yes?

    Becoming increasingly disgusted--

    I am sorry. There is indeed MUCH in this world to be disgusted over... but... well, don't let it 'get you down'.

    Dearest Winston... may YOU have peace...

    Shelby, You know this whole claiming to speak for God thing is going to get you in a Whole lotta trouble.

    I refer you to my response to Julie, above, dear one. I do not CLAIM... nor do I SPEAK... for God. He HAS One to speak FOR Him. His Word.

    Revelation 19:13
    John 1:1
    John 1:14

    Now is not the time to be playing these games, they maybe fun to you

    You think me playing games? You think this is 'fun', Winston? Seriously??!! SIGH!

    but those of us on this board are a little tired of mind control and so don't feel too good when some one comes around here making these claims.

    "Comes around here..." Uh, may I ask how long have you been here, Winston?

    We fought hard for our sanity and will keep puting you to the test, if we didn't then what really have we learned from being in one cult aready.

    Do you hear ME protesting your 'tests'? Have I not endeavored to answer all that I am permitted, even in the face of the GREATEST malice and animosity? I have NO problem professing to you and providing you with 'a reason for [my] hope'. NONE whatsoever. Bring it on, dear one.

    I for one like your kindness and feel you are very intelligent, you have a lot to offer.

    You don't know me, either, Winston. I am nothing other than I have been MADE to be, by the 'fruit' of the spirit of my Father, through my Lord. One of those 'fruits'... is kindness. So, I have nothing that I didn't 'receive'. As far as 'intelligent'... not according to many here. I am 'stupid', 'crazy', 'delusional', 'wacko', 'psycho' and, oh yes, an 'asshole'. NOT many 'intelligent' folks in there, Winston.

    And maybe those definitions are correct, by this world's standard. Personally, I would just say that I am a 'foolish' thing, a 'weak' thing of this world... a good-for-nothing-slave who, in the way of 'intelligence' possesses NOTHING, but only shares what I am GIVEN.

    So when you post tell me your thoughts

    From time to time, I do.

    I'll listen even better

    I am sad to think that you think what I have to say can in ANY compare to what my Lord and the Spirit have to say so that you'll listen 'better'.

    you don't need to say they our from God to get us to listen

    I don't say it is from NOT God, but my Lord, to get you to listen. I say it... because it is TRUE.

    we like you Shelby.

    I like you all, too, Winston. Even when ya'll get mean and onery... and vulgar. I am only 'thin-skinned' when such things come from those I love affectionately... and those who love me so. And even then, I try to ascertain intent, because not all hurt is born of an wrong intent.

    Let it go.

    You've got it wrong, Winston: I don't 'have'... 'it'. IT... has me.

    Okaaayyyy, who's next?

    Oh, yes... Cassiline... may you have peace:

    Your sidestepping the obvious.

    Obvious to whom, dear one? Certainly not me.

    And then you maline us.

    Malign you? May I ask, how so? I have wished you nothing but peace. I have falsely accused you of nothing, stated no malice or animosity toward you... malign you in what way, dear one?

    You were caught in a lie or misinterpertation from your 'spirit guide'

    WHAT lie??!! WHAT 'misinterpretation'? Read your quotes again, dear one, and you will see that two of them say the EXACT same thing, and one has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other two.

    and you cant get around it by taking the focus off yourself.

    Shelby! You wicked, evil Jezebel... STOP putting the focus ON yourself! Shelby! You sly, wicked Jezebel... STOP taking the focus OFF yourself! Play the flute!! Sing a dirge!!

    Why would you think you were replying to a question from another post of Julies if your 'spirit guide' is all knowing?

    First... my Lord is not 'all knowing'. If that were TRUE... then indeed, HE would KNOW 'the day and the hour'... yes? Second, I am not 'psychic', which point many of you seem to miss. I read Julie's question... AND HEARD NO ANSWER. So, I did not answer! Then... I read ANOTHER question... and replied to THAT. THEN... when I HEARD an answer to the FIRST question... I replied to THAT.

    This is NOT 'rocket science', children. Really. We're talking A-B-C-D-E-F-G...

    Cut the poopie and answer like a WOMAN.

    Arrrgghh! LOL! Okay, okay... WHAT question is it NOW?

    I'll be waiting patiently until you get your 'spirit guides' canard's.

    I am sorry, Cass, but I must beg you to forgive my most imperfect flesh and by default lacking brain... and ask your question again. Because for the LIFE of me, I thought I had answered all questions, save that from Naeblis, which I intend to do next.

    And now, Naeb... another one of the 'loves me/loves me not' dudes... peace to you! Okay, let's 'see' what you asked. I think I will go back to your original question, which I think YOU think I was not going to be permitted to answer... because of the delay. But I had to go help my daughter look for a sofa (she's moving into her own apartment tomorrow...), and I just got 'in'... so:

    When the Israelites conquered Canaan, why didn't God take out the leaders instead of killing all those innocent people Shelby??

    I believe that in most cases, He did 'deal' with the leaders. You are correct, though, that there were exceptions.

    Your hypocrisy is astounding. You loudly berate the Americans for potentially killing innocents in their attempts to wipe out

    I apologize for what you 'perceive' to be hypocrisy. I assure you, it is not. And I did not loudly berate 'Americans'... by NO means. I AM an 'American'. I did, however, tell the TRUTH with regard to world 'leaders' who hide behind innocent lives. Including 'American' ones. I will tell the truth about Israel, too, that they have once again 'gone astray' in their hearts so that they no longer 'hear' the voice of the Fine Shepherd, who speaks to them... from the heavens. I have NO problem calling a 'spade'... a 'spade'... Naeb.

    but then turn a blind eye to the Israelites who did the exact same thing. Except they did it for a far less noble reason.

    No, I did not turn a 'blind' eye. May I refer you to my response to Julie regarding 'license' to kill, as well as my statement above? May I ALSO ask you to ask anyone here who remembers my posts on H20 and what I was given to say... and SAID... to the Household of God, ISRAEL... who posted there?

    They wanted the land.

    Well, not quite. They OWNED the land. God had given it to Abraham and thus, it was theirs by inheritance. But in truth, they were not as concerned with reclaiming the land, as my Father was with them reclaiming it. And since it WAS His... to give to whomever HE wanted to... and He had given it to THEM... and since He had 'license'...
    well, I will let you conclude what you will... or can.

    And they killed baby, woman and man to do it.

    You are correct. But since such lives belong to my Father, and He is
    the one with 'license', it is not up to me... to check His hand. I will await His explanation, if indeed He condescends to give one. As it stands, however, I know that He BEGGED people to reconsider THEIR positions... before He took His. You, however, assume that everything contained in the "Bible" is all that is 'written' on matters. You are in error. That is why my Lord says that rather than 'searching the scriptures'... all one need do it 'come to' him. You can actually get to GOD... as well as the KNOWLEDGE of God... by going through him. Indeed, by means of that One... holy spirit will 'teach you ALL things'. Yes?

    AGuest has been caught inlies before.

    No, I have been ACCUSED of lying. Apparently, though, lies... are in the eyes of the one making such accusations... whether truthfully... or falsely.

    She seems to think this is unimportant.

    To be thought a liar? To be thought a liar means to be thought... a 'son' of the 'father of the lie'? You think being thought as such is NOT 'important' to me? SIGH!

    What she does not understand is that no matter how good her "message" is, people will never listen to someone who has been caught in lies in the past.

    Regarding your assertion of me being 'caught' in lies, I refer you to my previous response. As far as your assertion of what I don't 'understand'... may I ask you... and you tell ME... with all of your intelligence... which holds more 'weight': the message... or the messenger? I make no claim to perfection... nor to having any knowledge. I am a slave, a good-for-NOTHING-slave... and only deliver... the 'good' message.



    May YOU 'hear' and understand.

    I 'hear' you VERY well... and understand... but I don't 'slave' for you, and thus, yours is the 'voice' of a 'stranger'... which I have no intention of heeding.

    Okay, then, ya'll... I have endeavored to provide a response to all of you, to the best of MY ability... and to the extent my Lord has permitted me.

    For those of you wishing to 'receive' it... I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ... to time indefinite...


  • Naeblis

    Let's just agree to disagree. I don't like insulting you and you're entitled to believe whatever you want. Take care.

  • AGuest

    Thank you, Naeb... and may my Father grant you His mercy, by means of my Lord. For it is, indeed, the 'wish' of MY heart.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Cassiline

    I Finally got it!!! Lightbulb just went off in my head, why did it take so long??

    Dial 1-800-AskShelby you will hear lots of clicking and be rerouted to 'sprit guide' AKA Miss Cleo/Shelby. yah mon. The cost of this call varies, ones questions will be rerouted until Shelby/Cleo has been given the go ahead to answer. Excesive charges may accrue while waiting.

    Caution.... you may want to smash your phone into your head while listining. Please dont do this as it may cause serious injury to oneself.

    Disclaimer: This is for entertainment only.

    Liability: Any and all damage done to ones mind/spirit is at no time the responsibility of this canard telling fanitical self imposed sprit medium.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

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