How many christains here believe God is going to roast us unbelievers in a hell fire for eternity? I know many that do. That really turns me off to their God and worship.
I am probably in the minority (however, I am still within the orthodox framework) on this, but I do not believe that hell is a place of eternal torment through fire. The bible uses figurative language when it speaks of hell. It is describe as a place of eternal fire, but also utter darkness. Seems to me that this is a contradiction, if taken literally. Therefore, I look at terms like eternal fire & utter darkness as an analogy to communicate what total seperation from God might be like (since no one has been there and returned to tell about it).
Another way to explain hell might be that while on earth all humans are recipients of God's common grace, eg, he makes it rain on the righteous & unrighteuous, the sun rises & sets, etc. Hell is total removal from God's grace, total seperation from God. Basically, He is giving unregenerate humanity exactly what they want, an atheistic eternity. After all we would God want to populate heaven with people that have given Him the finger?
What is more, since heaven has degrees of reward, I think it follows that hell would have degrees punishment. I don't think a garden variety pagan will be punished the same as Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pot, etc. So I really don't get your turn off.
Why would Jesus allow his followers to teach that?
Umm, I don't know? Maybe, because he taught it?
How can you tell a TRUE christain from a FALSE christain believer?
I don't know. Jesus reffered to this dilemma when he spoke about the wheat and the tares. He said the the wheat would not be know until the day of harvest. By implication a false and a true Christian could stand side by side until the final judgement. The issue at hand is not being able to tell a true Christian from a false one, but are you a true Christian or a false one.