Well for starters I do have a Prescription for Cannabis (insomnia / depression)...
Why would I want to take Pharmacuticals for insomnia/depression? I mean, what if I get prescribed/addicted to a pill, that one day I might not be able to afford? (if you/I grow cannabis it's more/less free)..
Now The Moral issue... who is more likely to beat the shit out of their kids? A drunk person, of a person under the influence of cannabis?
Is Cannabis a gateway drug? Or is Tobbacco and alchohol the real culprits?
Now I'm not saying that a person that uses Cannabis always thinks clearly, But at least they Think... when someone is under the influence of alchohol or (manufactured) opiates, they "generally" don't think..
I do occasionally have a drink... I have nothing against having a drink... Why is it that "some" people who consume alchohol have such a problem with someone who uses cannabis?.. It's not illegal everywhere...
and for those that believe in God.. Why would IT create something that we should not take advantage of?