Without reading ALL of this thread, I'm going to chime in as a Medical Marijuana Patient in Oregon, where it is state legal (with pleanty of hoops to jump to get and remain legal).
I take an anti-depressant: Effexor time released. I will never go off of it unless something comes along that works better for me because this chemical has saved my life. Period.
I have been alcohol free since 1990. Rehab, AA, etc. Alcoholism KILLs 90% of those who have it. And sadly, too many who don't have "it".
Even Asprin Tylenol Advil and Aleve kill - no overdose needed. Nacrotics? Even deadlier.
However, they ALL have their place.
So does cannabis. For those of you with Christian leanings check out Genesis 1:29. If God created everything - then gave mankind all the fruits of the earth, then doesnt that include cannabis?
Deaths from Viagra: 2,290. Deaths from Cannabis: 0 = both are recreational drugs.
I started vaporizing and ingesting MMJ (Medical Marijuana) when I got "legal" 11/05, for the pain, muscle spasms, and sleep problems associated with FibroMyalgia. And for migraines. I seldom take it during the day especially if I'm going to be out and about - I won't drive "under the influence".
However, since beginning MMJ 6 months ago, I am sleeping less - about 9-10 hours instead of 12-16 hours a day. I have reduced my anti-depressant use down to 150mg from 225mg. I now only use analgesics (asprin etc) 4 or 5 times a week instead of 2 or 3 times daily. My need for clonazapam (Klonapin) has dropped to .5mg from 1.5mg. Gone are the Neurontin, Gabapenton, Relafen, Tradol, Immatrex.
Biggest medically noted improvement is my blood work. For 10 YEARS it has shown inflamation that my rheumatologist had not been able to locate. Well, my blood test 2 months ago - EVERYTHING was normal, and my platelet count was 370 - it has been as high as 550 - 150 over "normal high" of 400. Same for sed-rate, and a couple other items!
And I have not had one incident of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) since I began taking MMJ!
Most of the MMJ I use is ingested or sub-lingual. I make my own extracts/tinctures, activated MMJ capsules, and some medicated foods, like brownies made in mini-muffin tin. I only vape at night when I go to bed.
Why is it still illegal? Follow the money. It's to the US best interest to keep it illegal - it funds the DEA, and it's medicinal powers threaten Pill Hill. Heck, Bayer (as in Asprin) is now partnered with GW (a Brittish pharma co) on Sativex - a alcohol based mouth spary with THC, CBD, and CBN. Nothing more than a highly refined tincture!