It has been discussed that the internet is bringing the WTS to its knees far quicker than ever hoped for several reasons:
- Rapid access to research of old publications through databases
- Anonymous nature of finding information
- Ease of which a person can stumble accross information
Another powerful reason is Interactivity with other people. The ability to rapidly see many ideas on a board like this, ask questions and get answers allows Personalisation to the individual needs of every truthseeker. There are many varied issues, and not all are equally important to each person. However the internet gives the ability to match the important issues and similiar minded people together.
15 years ago I flicked through some apostate books in the library. It made no lasting impression as I told myself the standard thought blocking excuses and moved on. The book had no ability to taylor its information to my requirements, or reply to my responses. The internet does. A person can read something, ask a question or give a refute and instantly have various points of view supplied.
What is the best way to make use of this power? Should there be more websites or less? Do discussion boards work best, or static sites? Should we combine our efforts to create a supersite that contains a search engine to every Watchtower publication, doctrinal retorts, interactive topics, books and so forth? How do we get people to these sites most effectively?
Any ideas.