Many JWs feel that if no human sees them, it is okay. Computers and the internet are perfect for that. It is hard to monitor what a person reads and views. When people had to go to libraries or buy books through the mail, another JW might see them or at home might intercept the mail. With a few intelligent keystrokes, you can block even family members for seeing what you read/view. That is why computer porn is a growing and persistent problem in the JW community. As IT gets cheaper and wider ranging and more available, the average JW home will all have a computer or several just as television/videos/DVDs have grown.
Is the WTS worried? They'd be stupid not to be.
*** w51 3/15 p. 164 Time Better than Money ***
But instead of a moderate use of television by people generally, what do we frequently find? The evening meal over, the family rush for their seats before the television screen, there to sit for hours, till bedtime. No time for family conversation. No time for study. No time to serve God. Only time for television. Just time to sit before the screen and soak up propaganda and entertainment. So absorbed are they that they may refuse to leave their seats before the television for an hour a week, to share in a home Bible study.
But will television deliver them at Armageddon? Will their little god of the living room shelter them from Jehovah’s wrath? Time consumed on it might have been used to study, to transform their mind, to make it over, to gain godly wisdom, which is not to be compared to rubies, silver, gold, money or television; but instead they will be "destroyed for lack of knowledge". (Hos. 4:6) The marvelous invention has been misused by them till it has become a satanic snare to capture their mind, to keep their eye glued to a television screen, not allowing them time to see the sign of the second presence of Christ or to mentally discern the import of such sign and learn what they should do to successfully meet the crisis.