Guantanamo Bay Suicides - a PR Move

by eyeslice 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • IW


    You too, have a great week! I too enjoyed our, shall we say, "sweet" exchange.


  • Robdar

    Who cares if the murderous scum kill themselves? Give them the pill or the rope or a gas oven or whatever it takes. The world will be a better place. As far as the hell of Guantanamo goes, most of the prisoners that have been released said it was a great place. The "hellhole" is pure lefty propaganda. How about some proof that the released prisoners say that Guantanamo is a great place? And don't quote your right wing propaganda Fox Network either. Surely you've got a link of some kind? As far as giving somebody a pill, rope or gas oven, why don't we give it to you? I think the world would be a better place. I trust my Muslim neighbors more than I trust somebody like you. And no, I'm not a liberal dem. I'm a conservative.

  • AuldSoul

    I invite any "conservative" to explain to me how holding prisoners without due process of law is a Conservative thing to do. I invite any "republican" to explain how the Rule of Law is demonstrated by this travesty of justice.

    Do you really think it is legal to hold people indefinitely without charging them with any crime and without any trial solely on the say-so of the same intelligence that assured us that they knew where the WMD was (namely, north, south, east, or west of Baghdad...i.e. not in Baghdad, but somewhere else)?

    If so, explain why.

    AuldSoul (of the "Conservative Supporter of the Rule of Law" class)

  • slimboyfat

    It is beyond parody that "official" American response to these deaths is that they were some sort of calculated attack on "the West" and "our values".

    Despots who hold people without trial are the biggest threat to the human liberty the world over.

  • Jourles

    I wonder if they will show the detainees playing "volleyball" or other activites in this film?

    "There is no hope in Guantanamo. The only thing that goes through your mind day after day is how to get justice or how to kill yourself...It is the despair — not the thought of martyrdom — that consumes you there."
    "It's weird because when we left we weren't even that religious," Rasul said.

    "We were young — average British lads," Ahmed added. "Obviously if we knew what we were getting ourselves into we would have never gone."

    I hope they win their lawsuit against the USA. Not likely it will happen, but I hope it draws the negative press the USA deserves.

    Jourles, of the American class - but not very proud of it.

  • kristyann

    Can't people find a better cause than this? These people would blow you up if they could. Talk to the people who work at Gitmo... a good majority of the prisoners have faked their suicides in an attempt to get the guards to come in to their cells unwittingly, then attack them with makeshift weapons. Even the most liberal news outlets have admitted that.

    And don't tell me that they're trying to attack the guards or commit suicide because Gitmo is such a terrible place that they've all gone nuts. My grandparents were wrongfully imprisoned during the Holocaust by the Nazis... and I believe that Nazi camps are pretty much among the most hellish places to have ever existed upon this earth (Gitmo is like a picnic compared to that)... and I highly doubt my grandparents were faking their own suicides and then trying to attack the Nazis with makeshift weapons. These people at Gitmo aren't doing that because they're so desperate at being stuck in such a TERRIBLE place like Gitmo... they're absolutely insane and evil.

  • kristyann

    Um, Jourles, even a liberal magazine like Time has admitted that the prisoners go outside and play volleyball and read Harry Potter books. I don't remember the exact issue but I know it was from June 2005 (June 13 or June 20, I think). I think the article was "Inside the Wire at Gitmo." I think the article was an attempt to fuel even more criticism about Guantanamo Bay, but I read it and thought "Wow, these people are playing volleyball and reading Harry Potter!?" It sounded a lot better than I had imagined. They'd blow any one of us up if they could, they hate women and treat them like crap, but they have it better than millions of innocent, poor children around the world and in our own country.

  • Jourles
    Talk to the people who work at Gitmo... a good majority of the prisoners have faked their suicides in an attempt to get the guards to come in to their cells unwittingly, then attack them with makeshift weapons.

    Obviously you've spoken to these soldiers who are stationed at Gitmo? I can't say I've heard or read of this happening, but if I were in their position, I would do the same. If I was in their shoes and I had done nothing wrong except maybe travel from one country to another - say, visiting family - and I was thrown into an offshore US military prison for no reason, I would do everything and anything to make it hell for those who were imprisoning me without charge. I could care less if I caused them harm or even death. Bottom line for me is, if I'm there for several years and I am never told why, you can be damned sure that I will kill, maim, beat, or do whatever I can do to my captors for imprisoning me falsely under cuckoo charges. And it wouldn't matter to me one bit which country my captors represented.

  • sixsixsixtynine
    Can't people find a better cause than this? These people would blow you up if they could.

    What better cause is there than human rights?

    These people have not been charged with anything yet. How are you so sure they would "blow you up if they could"?

  • kristyann

    Why would it be so unbelievable to think that I have spoken with a soldier that was at Gitmo?

    Go find the Time magazine to find the volleyball and Harry Potter stuff... and just turn on any of the 3 major network newscasts to hear the stuff about the prisoners attempting to kill their "captors."

    I'm glad to say that I would not do the same as them, even if I was wrongfully imprisoned. How would faking your suicide and then trying to kill someone be taking the moral highground? I don't believe I have heard too much of that taking place during the Holocaust...

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