Shocking Announcement: Society feels Armaggedon coming this year?

by truthseeker 154 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    JH, because the WTS says this "bad" system is what is ending. The WTS will still have assemblies and use calendars in "paradise".


    I just hope it is not the same STUPID calendar they use now. The ONLY marked day aside from memorial is MAGAZINE DAY and it shows up 52 weeks in the year.

  • stillajwexelder

    Also it could be they follow the news closely - so volcano in Indonesia, another bad hurricane season, North Korea about to test launch a Taepodong Missile capable of reaching the United States and of course there is that total dickhead in charge in Iran - so plenty of scare factors. All the while there is a wra in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa

  • AuldSoul

    Rumor mill grist. It is an enthusiac. It works similarly to an aphrodisiac, but it whets a different kind of appetite . These poor folks are SO very tired. It HAS to end soon. VERY soon. It CAN'T go on much longer.

    And then it does anyway.

    All I have to say (on this subject ) is, if Jehovah and Jesus conspired to use a group that insisted on teaching things Jesus specifically said to reject and to avoid following anyone who taught such things (so as not to be misled) I am very glad they are right and I was wrong, and that my family will get the Paradise the liars in Brooklyn have promised after all. I will die at Armageddon content with the knowledge that the Bible lied to me, and that I believed the Bible's lie over the word of a group of men.

    I will die content that I did not put my trust in the sons of earthling men, and that I did NOT believe they could get me through the end of this system because salvation does not belong to them.

    Psalm 146:3 — Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.


  • Gary1914

    I was at the Kingdom Hall tonight and I went through all the recent BOE letters just to make sure that I didn't miss one, because sometimes I do. Well, there was nothing special in any of them and certainly not an shocking announcement.

    When I got home I called my brother who is a DO and asked him if he had heard anything about a special announcement. He said that the society is trying to get everyone excited and pumped up for the last six months of the year so that the figures will be better for this year than they were for last year. If the brothers think Armegeddon is near then they will spend more time in the field service and replacements will be greater. Also special campaigns get the brothers all excited and they look forward to them, ergo, more time in field service. At the same time. if interested ones and bible studies are concerned that the end is near there will be more baptisms. Rhese special campaigns and hints of Armegeddon are win, win, strategies for the organization

    But he might know something else that he is not telling me. I don't know. He keeps some stuff close to his vest. I'll keep pumping him.

  • under_believer

    Gary, you're a godsend. I look forward to any more insights you might have.

  • AuldSoul


    THANKS for the information! Wow. If he knows the end is coming, why would he keep that information from you? Why would they keep the information from ANYONE? What possible reason could they give to explain not publicizing this as soon as they know?

    There was only one I could come up with. The governments and corporations of the world make sure they leave room for plausible deniability all the time in their misinformation schemes.

    So, the rumor mill that the Governing Body has already instructed the congregations not to heed will be used to...spread a rumor that isn't true...that will accomplish the boosts desired...but for which the congregations can be blamed later when the rumor is found to be false.

    What a beautifully mastered work of deceit! So like their Father, and quite unlike the one they try to claim as their Father. They will once again transform themselves into messengers of truth, although they are actually workers of deceit. They will justify it by the fact that holy spirit obviously blessed it, just look at the numbers that we knew would increase as a result of our deceit!

    Good thing they only have a few more years up their collective sleeve. The youths aren't buying it. The youths and Google are too close.


  • nicolaou
    He said that the society is trying to get everyone excited and pumped up for the last six months of the year so that the figures will be better for this year than they were for last year.


  • sandy

    I remember DOs saying things like .... this could be our last assembly Jehovah..... blah blah blah.

    I know I heard that very often at assemblies when I was active.

    They are just trying to scare everyone into submission. Just reading this thread I feel that little panic button go off inside me. And I know better... I can reason with myself. I wonder if that feeling will ever go away completely.

    All those poor j-dubs who feel guilty for not living up to WT standards must be freaking out.

  • searcher

    Could it be a kind of reverse scam?

    Goes like this..

    Rumour important announcement, fire up the dubs.

    Announce the end.

    End doesnt come on date.

    Many dubs (particularly in the west) leave.

    Downsize the congs, sell off the empty KH's.

    Gradually move operations over to 3rd world countries where there IS growth and not so much court room activity.

    A bit far fetched I know, but they are capable of anything.

  • bem

    AK-Jeff Said

    I wasn't. No worry, the whole thing was a ploy to build excitement. I kept waiting the whole day for the 'special' part. It never came. Just two of the GB, giving talk after talk that said nothing new at all

    I remember attending some of those big assemblies and special talks and thinking I must be totally dim-witted to not "get" what was being said as exciting and overwhelming good news, I'm happy in way to know I wasn't the only one that felt that way. and saddened to think we wanted it to be true, wts what a true dissapoinment you are being!

    But then it didn't/doesn't take much to encourage a people that were waiting on time to run out.

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