by nicolaou 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    oh one more thing,

    I also believe the Oklahoma city bombing was setup by the government as well...i find it ironic that within just 15 MINS of the bombing..they had mcveigh in custody. Maybe they realized the oklahoma city bombing wasn't big enough and needed something more or it was a test to see what they COULD do if they attempted what JUST happened.

    It was also convientant (spell check? lol) that the president "just HAPPENED" to be in FL during this incident that took place today.


  • logical


    You theory makes some sense. I have always had suspicions about Illuminati / Freemasonry etc. Wouldnt at all be surprised if the WTS has a large part in this.

    Watching the news and listening to what people said, it seems some things are staged... like the lunar landings. I reckon all the most "important" people will be heading off to their new home on Mars / moon, leaving the giant mushrooms to devour the unwanted "gentile" population on earth.

    Lets hope im wrong.

  • VeniceIT

    UmmmmmI think your on your own here. Why woudln't they attack the WTC they did it in '93 and didn't succeed. As you can see this had a great impact. Maybe they were afraid of getting shot down over WA or maybe Bush wasn't the target.

    This was a very big 'IN YOUR FACE' act, With a USA airliner on a domestic flight. I don't think it was US, but that's just MHO.


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Afganistan has been engaged in a civil war ever since the USSR pulled out their troops. Yesterday Taliban attacked the civil opposition forces and today they counterattacked.

    If and when the US becomes convinced that Osama bin Laden is the person behind this, I hope the US doesn't waste time bombing oil refineries and inconveniencing the good people of Kabul. (Yes, there are GOOD people in Afganistan, as witnesses by the fact of the civil war.)It would be nice if we could have Osama's head on a pike, but if we have to settle for dropping a few daisycutters, F-A-Bs or thermobaric bombs down his murderoous throat, so be it.

  • Gimme3steps

    Five Storys, that's some good weed you smokin ,which Area51 book,would you recommend I buy ?

  • FiveShadows

    Venice you said "Maybe they were afraid of getting shot down over WA or maybe Bush " ...uh...they're dead...this was a suicide i don't think they cared either way cause they knew they were gonna die...i would still attack the white house. But that's just my...opinion, and logical It's funny you mention the freemason/illuminati thing in the same sentence as the because Russell did admit he was a freemason in their earlier magazine. I use to have a copy of the article...but my computer crashed...however i recommend you read up on the earlier articles...he did say "i am a freemason" and on top of which...didn't you find it weird/interesting he was so close to the pyramids and how it was the center of God's worship? ...pyramids...freemason..illuminati...seeing the connection? anyway..


  • Stephanus

    Oh, go back to sleep, FiveShadows! Terrorists ALWAYS attack the weak and vulnerable - to create the terror for which they are named.

  • AuSet

    As Jdubya just stated in his address to the nation, "We will make no distinction between those terrorists who carried out the attacks, and those who harbor them."

    I would not be at all surprised if the US declares war on Afghanistan sometime tomorrow.

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    Agreed Steph, I think their called "Assasins" when their target is one person (The President). All of these attacks were smartly planed, the courses the airplanes took where normal flight paths(Up untill they crashed into freggin buildings. They were schedualed for landing in LA, but when they were hijacked they "changed route" to land at Kennedy in NY. These guys knew what they were doing.

  • FiveShadows

    need to clear up something...when i said NWO i didn't mean the society's definition of the "new world ordeR" paradise...i mean't he governmental conspiracy in regards uniting the world into one government and calling it NWO like on the back of the dollar bill it says. And as far as this just being another terrorists threat and i need to go back to bed...okay if it is jsut another threat..why the big deal?


    praise jah and our lord Christ!

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