by nicolaou 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    How stupid do you think I am?? (Ok don't answer that!) I MEANT that they might have been AFRAID that there mission would fail, not afraid for there lives!!!

    They were sending a Message, TERROR!!! and that's just what happend. What's more terrifying then planes slamming into one of the worlds largest buildings, and totally destroying them and everyone in them!

    There were a Lot more people in the WTC then would ever be in the White House and the film coverage shows just how INCREDIBLE the terror and destruction was. I think that their plan was 'perfectly' executed just how they planned. Just because YOU wouldn't have done that (even though you are a self professed terrorist afficianado), doesn't mean they didn't. Perhaps they have plans and ideas that you haven't been informed of.

    "This will be a day of Infamy"


  • Bendrr

    Fiveshadows, would you please give that tired NWO shit a rest?!
    As for the nations that harbor terrorists. Bush said we would "make no distinction", the only halfway strong thing he said tonight. Fine, Mr. President, show it don't tell it. Ronald Reagan sent the bombers THEN went on TV. After that, things got pretty quiet. Clinton bombed an aspirin factory and gas prices have escalated alongside mid-east violence. Come on, Mr. Bush, show the balls Reagan had because that is the only thing they respect over there. Afganistan is harboring Bin Laden so bomb the camel-fuckers to kingdom come and send a few to Saddam Hussein for good measure.
    It looks like for the first time in history a terrorist attack is going to nail a 5-digit death toll and they were Americans on American soil. There should be no second-guessing anywhere in the world about this. Bombs must fall and guns must blaze and blood must be shed. For many years America has tread far too lightly when provoked. We have sent a message that our foreign policy is just as liberal and lenient as our own criminal justice system.
    The CIA knows where the terrorist camps are, the damn press can find Bin Laden for interviews anytime they want. It's time for eye-for-an-eye.
    Nuke the camelfuckers!

  • Stiffy

    Bendrr, I believer the Politically Correct term is "Camosexuals"

  • COMF
    Nuke the camelfuckers!

    There you go, man. Let's go vaporize an entire section of the world because we suspect maybe the people who did this look a little bit like them.


  • bluesapphire

    Bendrr, if you're talking about the Gulf war, I thought it was Bush Senior who sent the bombers. Am I wrong?

  • slipnslidemaster

    COMF, I hope that you are just trolling.

    I think that we should make Afghanistan a glass parking lot tomorrow.

    Slipnslidemaster: "If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two strong oxen or 1024 chickens?"
    - Seymour Cray

  • SixofNine

    slipnslidemaster, I hope that you are just trolling.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Not much.

    Slipnslidemaster: "If you were plowing a field, which would you rather use? Two strong oxen or 1024 chickens?"
    - Seymour Cray

  • jelly

    I think we need to send a message. The terrorist that did this could have never accomplished it without the support of at least one country. They needed trained pilots, large aircraft are difficult to fly and hitting a building is difficult. They need a location for training their thugs and they need access to intel about their targets. Not only should the terrorist group be held responsible but also any country that helped them in any way; financially, technically, or intellectually.

    An attack of this magnitude is an act or war, to tolerate is appeasement, and from history we can see that appeasement only encourages bloodthirsty individuals. We need to let our military attack with every weapon (except NBC) and at every target. Including dams, communication infrastructure, power plants, financial centers, cities, airports, bridges, and food production. We need to attack until the offending country ceases to exist. Terrorist count on America to ‘turn the other cheek’ and doubt our resolve to shed blood. F*** them. We did not start this war but we need to finish it, not responding on a massive level will send a message that this kind of behavior will be tolerated.


  • GentlyFeral
    I think that we should make Afghanistan a glass parking lot tomorrow.

    No, I don't think so.

    Gently Feral


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