Logic tells me there's a lot more. But to JWs, the vast majority of JWs are not cockroaches. They are more like the ant that Proverbs speaks so highly of.
Cano Is The Tip Of the Iceberg
by metatron 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals
As long as "Jehovah" roots out these types, all will be well. And yes, Jehovah has used the superior authorities to accomplish his will, to be his servant and executioner......Believe me, this type of situation is easy for the lawyers and "Slave" to deal with.
Well, while he is rooting.........why at the expense of innocent children?
Maybe I have missed something, but I have not heard anyone say this Cano case or another one will bring down the WTS. So far everyone believes it will hurt the WTS and might force them to change policy.
If the public exposure wasn’t so effective the WT wouldn’t care much about it, however the WT does and very much so. We should do our best in uncovering the truth. Even if only one person is helped, it is worth it.
We are greatly interested in the development of this case and the majority, if not all, are balanced in their expectations.
The r&f mindset of the average Catholic is completely different from the r&f mindset of the average JW. Most Catholics, unlike most JWs, have no problem acknowledging that their religion has flaws.
That’s a good point, thanks
and if you find one ant in your kitchen, is it reasonable to think that you're seeing the only one?
Ants aren't as bad as roaches, Met. You have to see that a typical JW will say, "Even if there are s o m e that are bad, it certainly doesn't mean everyone is bad". If a few are wicked, it doesn't signify anything . Throughout all of Bible times, some individuals were bad---including kings, priests and apostles and disciples. Big deal!
I would also add that what we haven't heard about yet concerns his possible activities within Witness congregations.
Does the Society wait and see if he has other victims within the "truth" - or do they actively question publishers in congregations
where he's spent time? Do they "dig" - to find the truth - or "bury" the whole matter and hope it goes away?
Can we put this down to "one bad apple" take it out and still have confidence in the rest? Or can we say that there "are a few in every crowd" and shrug it off?
I THINK NOT. The point is that J W's claim to be different. They say that they live in a spritual paradise that is supervised by the Almighty to keep it clean . Look at what last weeks WT study said.
"Sincere people can now see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one....................the honesty , kindness peacefulness and diligence displayed by Jehovah's Witnesses are admired by unprejudiced onlookers". [ There followed 4 paragraphs saying how good they are]
They claim to be the only religion directed by the Holy Spirit, they claim to special. When newbies are baptized they do nor expect to see news items like this ... it only shows their claim to be false. They Are human -no different to the world outside, with good and bad just like any other organization.
There's 1000's of bad apples every year that get df'd. The argument is not valid that because it's child abuse, it's different.
It really shows they do not have any direction or spiritual influence from God.. They are just a cult..that ruins peoples lives by deception and brainwashing tactics .
As long as "Jehovah" roots out these types, all will be well. And yes, Jehovah has used the superior authorities to accomplish his will, to be his servant and executioner......Believe me, this type of situation is easy for the lawyers and "Slave" to deal with.
Yes, the true and faithful are going to get a version of, "this was Jehovah's way of dealing with this evil person in our midst"...or "isn't it amazing how Jehovah works to protect his people" blah blah blah.
Those who want to believe in the WTS are going to find a way to believe...and the WTS is going to give them a way to believe with some bullshit story.
What these kind of cases can do is make outsiders aware that not everything is so rosy inside the JW world. JWs are no better than any other large group at keeping out predators, whether it's sexual, greed or power. It can help to keep them from recruiting outsiders. It can help those who might have doubts to doubt a little harder. It might not bring down the Tower, but it can help some to flee from it.