I've been in this fight for some years now and I can tell you that there has only been one effective way to defeat the Watchtower Society
and it is this: keep chipping away and wear them down. In that regard, we are clearly winning the war. They can't defeat us, they can't
make us go away, they can't remove our sanctuary by any attack and we are draining them daily. Please consider a comment by a long
term Bethelite I know ( who hasn't been downsized). He told me that they know that opposers and apostates are watching them, waiting for
any mistake to pounce on and how horrible that is. I took great comfort in this candid admission since it means they are feeling the pressure
and it never lets up.
The Cano incident will have its effect - and all the more so if they find that this story has "legs". It won't end the Watchtower by itself but it
will add to their grief and spiritual exhaustion. The one thing that could bring them down quickly would be a massive collapse of contributions
and that's still possible, although less likely.
I watch the situation in Iraq and wonder how much worse the situation there would be if the US made no effort at all to compromise,
or have elections, or do anything at all to solve the situation politically. That, in a nutshell, is the mistake the Watchtower is making.