The "Revelation" Book...did you HATE that thing as much as I did??

by LovesDubs 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    They convinced me of one thing with their Revelation book:

  • DannyBloem

    oh, climax for dummies, I do not need, but then that's another topic.....

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The Revelation Climax book is the last bastion for the old gaurd's "We are the chosen" mantra. If an angel farts in revelation its because the fearless 7 were in prison and released in 1919. If a beast poops, its because the fearless 7 were in prison and released in 1919.. If a Dragon floats by, its because the fearless 7 were in prison and released in 1919. Dont even ask about the two witnesses who die and then stand up with bad breath!

    Did you ever notice that most all the prophecys were fulfilled in the 1920's and 30's? Fascinating how these things that are destined to occur all happened in the early part of last century and only the big wrap up is left for our day..... or is it for one in the next hundred years? The generation could be longer than expected.

    What a pile of hubris.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    This is actually a GOOD THING! While going through that garbage yet again, I believe that the faithful R&F will begin to see how absurd the claims in that book are, about the bible having foretold anything about the WTS. (I hope so anyway) And with all the info available on the Internet they might begin to research the WTS history, and that, would be the beginning of the end of the brainwashed state they are in.

    Also, if the CO's thought that bookstudy attendance was bad before, wait until they start to study the Revelation book! Just the thought of it, makes me want to BARF!


  • Balsam

    My ex-husband loved the Revelation book like StillanElder said; he would take great pains to study it and make us all sit with him study it. The kids would just roll their eyes as if to say "OH PLEASE" lets get this over. LOL

    I hated it because it made no sense to me 70% of the time. And trying to apply it to JW was just stretching it too far.


  • LovesDubs

    Aside from like the "Daniel" book has the Society even come out with anything "spiritually" deeper than a puddle of spit on a hot sidewalk since the Revelation book was um...written, hatched, slapped together in the 90s?

  • greendawn

    At first I thought it was reasonable but as I began to think more about the nature of the WTS I soon realised that there was something mythical and grandiose about their claims to have been prophecied in the book of Revelation 2000 years earlier.

    That is calculated to make them look very important and receive total and indisputable recognition by their members. Which will facilitate greatly their subsequent manipulation of the unthinking JW masses.

  • moomanchu

    God had a channel for communicating Revelation in John's day, and John was the earthly part of that channel. Likewise,God has a channel for giving spiritual nourishment to his 'slaves' today.

    The reason for publishing this book is the need to keep up-to-date with present truth.Jehovah is continually shedding greater light on the meaning of his Word, and we can expect that our understanding of Revelation, along with other prophecies, will be sharpened as we draw closer to the great tribulation.

    Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observes the things written in it; for the appointed time is near.

    new =JW,sto study

    miss study=world=+is near

    do not

  • ColdRedRain

    That god damn book gave me nightmares until I was 14.

  • sass_my_frass

    ugh... THREE TIMES was maddening. On the first I was so bored I was writing little diary entries in the margins, which was fascinating reading on the second time. When they announced the third time, I just stopped attending the book study; that was one of the contributing factors for my slow move out of the cult. (although it took so long, there were many contributing factors!)

    A fourth time though, I don't suppose you're kidding... but that's just terrible. What are they thinking? Oh no, I know what the plan is; nobody actually listens or cares any more, but if they can keep applying prophecy to themselves, it will keep them all holding on. 'It must be right, it's so confusing and boring!'

    condom over a bowling ball... you made me laugh!

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