Well, it's hard to beat Mango as a reason to live (then again, there is Mr. Peepers)
Sorry for hi-jacking a bit (couldn't resist).
Only as a JW, did I ever have thoughts and actually tried one time to harm myself. I cannot even imagine that space now~it's like I'm a different person. My children, of course, keep me from even having those thoughts. But it's more than just "not hanging myself from the rafters", it's an actual verve for life even with its trials and tribulations.
It's anticipation for each new day~you just literally never know what or WHO is going to wash ashore tomorrow; some message in a bottle to borrow from the Police:
Walked out this morning, dont believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
Hundred billion castaways, looking for a home
The soft touch of a beloved (or just the anticipation of this) can keep one going for miles.
Hang in there, hon. I mean, you just never know how the Universe will unfold if you just expect good things.
Love and Light,