I once was assigned a talk on masturbation when I was about fifteen or so. The theme of the talk was to discourage masturbating (actually to forbid the practice), as it was considered by the Society a no no. Looking back on it, it offends me to this day that they would give a kid such a sensitive and embarrassing talk assignment like that. Bastards. But I was taught to play by the rules so I gave the talk. When I got to the podium and announced the topic I was to discuss you could have heard a pin drop. Oh, my delivery was WBTS textbook! It all sounded so good and moral. Problem was I was 'doing it' about three times a day myself. But I gave that talk like I was clean as the virgin snow. I guess this is how JW's learn to be hypocrites. You're given unrealistic "principles" to live by and you had better for appearance sake follow through.
Anyone else ever have to go through anything like this as a JW?