The Great Watchtower Porn Panic

by metatron 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    Some years ago, when the 'voluntary donation' arrangement was announced, the Society followed it up with a period of near panic.

    They flooded the Kingdom Ministry, Watchtower and circuit assemblies with pleas "reminding" the friends to open up their wallets.

    Eventually, they calmed down and accepted the situation, especially after coming up with new scams involving "deficits" at assemblies

    and appeals for property being willed to them.

    It is with this background that I note a burst of emphasis about porn. The new book released at the assembly has several warnings about

    porn, as do recent Watchtowers, with naughty brothers sitting in front of computer screens, as repeated graphics.

    My one question here is,

    Where have these idiots and bozos been for the past decade?

    Ever since the internet began, it has offered free porn. Porn videotapes ( often unrated because they weren't released in a theatre,

    so you can honestly say you haven't seen anything rated "X".) have been available ever since VCRs were purchased for home use.

    Have they been so blind as to have missed these developments, over many years past?

    "Meat in due season"? I don't think so. This recent near panic suggests they are largely oblivious to what's really going on in the

    congregations . I can offer other blind spots such as addiction to prescription drugs and doctor shopping, outright occult practises

    in alternative health care , hidden alcoholism, and general cluelessness about young Witnesses.

    I also note that you don't hear much about a "spiritual paradise" anymore. Perhaps a collective gag reflex has finally set in.

    Brother Newelder has trouble saying it while images of Jenna Jameson spread themselves in his head.


  • trevor

    Broadband is the road leading off into to destruction and many are the ones finding it.

  • kid-A

    I dont think its about porn. Its about keeping dubs off the internet at any cost. "Porn" is just a bogey-man they are using to hide their true agenda: keeping the R+F as far away from "free apostate" information as possible. They are probably hoping to convince the R+F that everytime they open their browsers they will be subject to XXX popping up on their screens at every turn. They would be very hesitant to directly tell them to stay away from apostate websites, since there is nothing more tempting than forbidden fruit.

  • candidlynuts

    if i remember correctly ( and i could very well be mistaken) , after video rentals started gaining in popluarity there was a burst of porn warnings from the society for awhile.

    new fangled technology is skeery to control freaks. your cattle might try to nibble at grass not offered by the boss!

  • SirNose586

    "Broadband is the road leading off into to destruction and many are the ones finding it."
    AMEN to that!! That's the gospel I spread everyday.
    Well Metatron, maybe it's been an embarrassing problem to get DF card after DF card with "porneia" on it. Besides, maybe writing about it turns them on.

  • BizzyBee
    I dont think its about porn. Its about keeping dubs off the internet at any cost. "Porn" is just a bogey-man they are using to hide their true agenda: keeping the R+F as far away from "free apostate" information as possible. They are probably hoping to convince the R+F that everytime they open their browsers they will be subject to XXX popping up on their screens at every turn. They would be very hesitant to directly tell them to stay away from apostate websites, since there is nothing more tempting than forbidden fruit.

    Bingo! It's just another brainwashing - make folks feel guilty about even using a computer. I agree - the real target is the free-flow of apostate information. People don't leave the WTS because of porn.

  • rassillon

    It is because the research for the articles is so much fun! mmmm..Porn...mmm

  • undercover

    I think porn has become a problem for the WTS. I think more dubs are getting caught up in it. But if they're willing to use the Internet to view naughty bits then how long before they use it to view other things...things that might not be so flattering about the WTS?

    So the WTS goes on this big campaign about how bad porn is and they use scare tactics to try to curb not only the porn viewing, but the curiosity of anything bad on the Internet.

    The more conspiratorial part of my brain wonders if this is a first offensive into having the dubs associate the word "pornography" with "wrong" or "don't look at" and then later try to associate "pornography" with "spiritual" and creating a term of "spiritual pornography" which would be looking at anything critical of the organization.

  • Jourles

    In this day and age(of the internet), the WTS is more worried about the r&f finding out about the skeletons in their closet. Sure, porn probably leads into and accounts for a large percentage of df'ing's each year, but in most of those cases, the 'repentant wrongdoer' typically comes back. But what about information found on "apostate" websites? Once that info is unlocked and dwelled upon, the newly created apostate will not likely return to the fold.

    There is a huge difference between the two. Using porn as an internet deterrent is wise on their part. If you demonize porn, you end up demonizing the internet as collateral damage. They can't come out and say directly "don't use the internet." But if they heavily allude to the "fact" that you will "most likely" run into porn while surfing, that might scare a few jdubs into dumping their internet connection. Once that is accomplished, access to "apostate" sites is eliminated. But the problem here is, they waited about 10 years too late. Most jdubs have internet access now and it will only grow as time goes on.

    I think the porn excuse is just a last ditch effort to demonize the internet. All jdubs know porn is bad - they can't even make excuses for viewing it. But if they come across a site such as this, they can rationalize to themselves (or the elders) that they are trying to "defend" the truth. But this is even more dangerous in the eyes of the gb. You don't have to think about much when viewing porn. But you have to when viewing "apostate" sites.

  • BizzyBee
    "spiritual pornography"


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