The Great Watchtower Porn Panic

by metatron 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • watson

    "Jehovah's Witnesses Gone Wild!" LOL.

    We should get Brooke and a few more of the hotties on JWD and put together a little video. Would sell like hotcakes over the internet!!


  • Jringe01

    After all that is what the internet is for...PORN PORN PORN

    Enjoy. :-)

  • BluesBrother

    "porn panic indeed" - all of a sudden.

    TD was right on the button when he pointed that any form of mass media technology is "Satanised " at first before becoming accepted . When I was kid, only the "weak ones" had a television. I remember one of those old style circuit assembly programmes where a tv set with doors was on the stage and when somebody opened the doors to turn it on , there was picture of satan grinning out of the tv set. It got a big laugh.

    But the porn issue is not just about the internet . I think they are genuinely concerned about the corrosive and potentially corrupting influence that it can have, especially the most explicit kind.

    I was, however, surprised to read in the July 15th WT that viewing pornography could get you disfellowshipped, without having any sexual contact with another person. It says (in brief)

    "Viewing soft core porn , then confessing it , probably just a counselling matter

    Regularly viewing hard core porn eg bondage , torture and even of children, is "uncleanness" , needing a judicial committee and potential disfellowshipping

    BTW uncleanness is also defined by example as 1) smoking cigarettes , 2) an engaged couple indulging in " passion arousing heavy petting"- but there is no definition of what that might include.

    Questions? Where is the line between what is "normal" in this world around us eg pop videos and tabloid papers, and soft core porn? Every body of elders will have their own idea

    A charter for elders to apply their own rules.

  • badboy


  • daniel-p
    The Great Watchtower Porn Panic

    Metatron, your thread titles themselves are hilarious! Keep it up!

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