another life gone

by darth frosty 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • undercover

    I posted this earlier:

    Never has a religious group been so judgemental as JWs when one of their own embarrases them. And that's what is really sad and disgusting. It becomes all about bringing reproach on the organization. It's not about the person who couldn't cope or his grieving family, it's about the image that is projected by these so-called happy christian witnesses of Jehovah and how it gives the organization a black eye.

    Then this comment was made by "foreverjw":

    but you dont know what he was thinking or doing in his head, who are you to say he didnt have a built up mental problem waiting to explode , maybe it was a girlfriend or a work mate or a child hood bully who could be to blame, does that mean if he was cathlic then it was the popes falt he killed himself ??????????????????
    I think my point has been demonstrated pretty well.
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Just had to update this post because something amazing happened. They held the service at the kingdom hall today and over 800 people showed up. I dont know whether this is a change in procedure or what. If I can find out I will let you know.

  • DesertRat

    Maybe it is a sign of progress in my 'recovery' from the Org that I am now crying & feeling for someone I never had the privilege to meet (& perhaps help in some way)? Over & over the thought has gone through my mind, "It could have been me." Really, it could have been any number of us, at one time or other..

    There was a severely depressed older JW in a congregation we once attended who took her own life. No one had seen or heard from her in about three days, so a couple of pioneer sisters went by to check on her & found her body on the kitchen floor. The truly sad & ironic part was that the cause of death was written RIGHT INTO THE OBITUARY. "Marian W., longtime resident who enjoyed gardening & talking to others about the Bible, died Wednesday of an INTENTIONAL DRUG OVERDOSE.." My mother (still an active JW) was later told that several JW's in the vicinity were asked about it at the doors. One householder allegedly stated, "But I thought you call yourselves the happiest people on earth?"

    I would LOVE to know what (if anything) was said in response to that..


  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    "We must draw strength from each other. Life can be fucked up. most of us have the added burden of the WT$ conditioning to deal with. But once we overcome the dark cloud that WT teaching drapes over us, there is a beautiful world out there to explore. Yeah we may be getting a late jump on the real life, But at least we are not asleep in someone else dream."


  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Desert Rat,
    "Maybe it is a sign of progress in my 'recovery' from the Org that I am now crying & feeling for someone I never had the privilege to meet"
    In my experience: yes

  • Quandry

    foreverjw-you have a private message from me. There is something I'd like for you to know.

  • DesertRat

    Van Gogh--thank you for your kind thoughts. I think that reading about this tragic experience hit me especially close to home (I had to go into the Men's Room here at work & lose it for around five minutes) because I was planning my own demise--it would have been my fourth attempt--only weeks before being referred to this site. My heart is broken because this poor kid never made it here & found, as I have, that there is hope & help for all of us JW-wounded even in the darkest moments..

    Darth Frosty--I think that many others besides myself have taken inspiration from the last paragraph of your post. If not for this site, & a few very compassionate & understanding people, I might not be here right now..

    to all


  • Gregor

    24 yrs old. Sad beyond words. A waste.

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