Contacting the "other side"

by sinis 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    That's just weak.

  • Warlock

    What do you mean?


  • PrimateDave

    Very well said, Ringo5! That is exactly how I see things, too. God never did answer any prayer I made even when I tried to be the best Witness I could be. That's why I stopped asking. And, I can't help but feel anger when anyone tells me to 'pray about it'.
    As far as contacting the 'other side'... I have never had an 'experience' with a non-human intelligence. I have spoken to friends and acquaintances who claim to have had 'experiences'. Honestly, I don't yet know what to think about the 'other side'. I find it difficult to believe in non-corporeal human intelligence due to the fact that our thought processes are directly tied to electro-chemical reactions. Now, that is something I have experience with as one of my grandparents suffers from Alzheimers (too lazy to check the spelling, sorry) which as we know actually deletes memories by destroying brain tissue. Therefore, without living brain tissue, one does not exist.

  • daystar
    What do you mean?

    Fear is the great defeater. When you give anyone, including any perceived entity, power over yourself, through fear, you have defeated yourself. Certainly respect must be given, just as you would when dealing with powerful individuals in the flesh.

    But when you curtly tell someone "run away, be afraid, don't do it!!", you are relegating someone to a weakened state. Go ahead, try it. But be careful, be respectful and don't be stupid.

    If you know people who have dabbled in the occult and gotten burned, you can be assured you will find someone who was not prepared properly, was not respectful and was, in short, stupid.

  • Warlock

    So then, what do you fear, if anything? What should be feared, if anything?


  • daystar
    So then, what do you fear, if anything? What should be feared, if anything?

    I certainly have my share of fears. I have my moments of weakness just as anyone else does. But that doesn't mean I should resign myself to accept them. One should face their fears and do battle with them rather than hide in the shadows.

  • Warlock

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I still don't think he should go through with it, but that is just 1 opinion of over 6 billion. If I wouldn't do it because of fear, so call me chicken.

    You can also laugh at me, but I don't think putting yourself in a dangerous position like trying to contact spirits, is the ideal way to face ones fears. That is something you don't HAVE to do.


  • Brigid

    Even as JW, I was inexorably fascinated with the occult. I had my share of psychic experiences early on as a child but those were quickly extinguished (or buried in dreamwork) by my mother's insistence that what I was experiencing was undoubtedly related to some recenlty purchased garage sale item. There would be burnings, incantations (er, I mean supplications) to Jehovah to expunge.

    Now, I do work with alternate "realities". I would encourage anyone interested in the occult to study it (you know when you're being called). If it scares you, then you probably are not being called or not ready to engage. It also, imo, requires a more mature (not to be insulting) relationship with the Universe/god/gods. "They" do not require or respect groveling or fear of any sort. You will attract darker spiritual energies if you approach the veil with a fearful, grovelly energy. It is just like meeting other beings on this plane. You will attract what you put out. Sometimes that's good and sometimes that is bad.

    Love and Light,


    p.s. I have yet to encounter the "shadow". Has anyone here had that experience who would care to share?

  • daystar


    You can also laugh at me, but I don't think putting yourself in a dangerous position like trying to contact spirits, is the ideal way to face ones fears. That is something you don't HAVE to do.

    No, I won't laugh at you. I suppose you can think about it this way... there are people that bungee jump, and there are people who would never.

  • Warlock

    What a choice!

    Should I jump................. or draw a pentagram?


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