In modern Witness history, the exit is not as easy as it used to be. They are cracking down on the walking away number and going for the full disfellowshiping, to control the families that still associate with them more.
The quickest, best way to have a Witness open their eyes to being a cult
by free2beme 35 Replies latest jw friends
Quandry, Serendipity and Parakeet
Thanks, i appreciate it. I respect them for not shunning me with extreme prejudice and mostly just smile now at the pamphlets. To each their own. I've had to come to terms with them and this whole thing in the last few years, somewhat due to my facing my own demons and in part to their age and the reality of life. It is short.
Take care -
One of the biggest problems with JW's (or any cult), is that there is no honorable way to leave them. Period. They make it that way.
When my dad kept trying to get me back to the meetings, I realized after a while, all the talks, letters, visits, etc., that there was NOTHING I could say to him that was going to make a difference. Nothing that I could say to him that would change ANYTHING.....No matter what I said, it didn't matter....only that I needed to get back to the meetings. THERE IS NO HONORABLE WAY TO LEAVE THE WITNESSES......Try pointing THAT out to a dub! GYMBB
[had] come to the conclusion that Satan had brought this child into her life to get her away from Jehovah.
If someone is prepared to hold these elders down I'll happily insert the pineapples up their arse's.
Well, I think others in my family would be in line in front of you, but you would be welcome to add to the pineapples.
someone very dear to me was born with defects. when born the parents had get approx 15 operations.... the elders and co. tried all they could to discourage immediate fixing, and "wait for the new system"