I agree with what you've said about the org and the tactics of it's members.
I grew up in dubland and left in my teens, 20 years ago, disassociated only.
Both parents are still in and will be for life. My mother has had various times where she's fallen away and has a spotty attendance record at best but is dub heart and soul. The social net and association is what brings her back, what keeps her head up, what gives her hope, despite anything i've said. She didn't have a family growing up, was abused and is an alcoholic. The org gave her the structure and rules she needed to change her life, of course to "fit in". My dad is in because of her, because of the changes it made in her life and because of me.
They joined as adults and are happy with their life and association and the purpose it gives them. They still leave pamphlets for me with key pages and passages noted and little notes about being "so close to the end", et al. I've asked them not to do this but they do it out of love, as misguided as the message is, the intent is pure. This still hits me like a emotional bolt from time to time, even to this day and i find it hard to deal with them sometimes. Over the years, I've tried so many ways to open their eyes and we've gone through much in our relationship but i am glad we have one. I feel for those here who don't, it is sad. "Don't cry for the family that wasn't, smile for the one you will have"
I don't try to change them anymore. Tonight we had dinner and they showed me some old photos from their early days and reminisced. We talked of little things, laughed at the tv and spent time. I had a moment where i almost broke down but they didn't catch it. I hugged my mother and told her i loved her. Despite all the f***** up stuff in their lives, they made a life together, better than some and they raised a good son (for the most part, lol).
Maybe one day they will see. Until then, i will love them as best i can and try to honour them as a good son should.