I'm for it.
Stem Cell Research---Are You For or Against It?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
If Nancy Reagan is for it, so am I. I never though she and I would ever agree on anything.
What type of stem cell research? Stem cells can be taken from one's blood or from a foetus.
I've had a stem cell transplant (from my own blood).
Oh, I'm for it, by the way!
Totally for it, though I should state that there are all sorts of areas of research underway. Some involve harvesting the embryonic stem cells and some involve harvesting the individuals' own stem cells. The latter kind has made a big difference in Dansk's life, already!
Add me to the pro list, but I'd like to understand the opposing point of view better.
I was just joking about Nancy. I wonder it the WTS has an official position on this?
By the way, stem cells can also be taken from someone else's blood and be transplanted. This is known as an allo-transplant. When it is one's own stem cells being transplanted it is known as an auto-transplant.
Ross is right. I wouldn't be alive today without having had an auto-transplant!
I would think they'd feel the same as the Catholic church and denounce it for trying to create life unnaturally and because abortions are involved, it would be wrong to them.
for it, I'm for any advances in science.
For it - it wil lsave lives -and is thus PRO LIFE