DC in Ireland: Warning about groups of bros who want to modernise the WT

by truthseeker 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I just heard this from someone who attended a District Convention in Ireland.

    The brother told me that the speaker said that there were brothers forming groups to try and modernise the Watchtower Society. Has anyone heard anything like this in the USA?

  • EvilTroll

    There was a group a couple of years ago of about 50 JWs who wrote scholarly essays defending the faith and would run them by the Writing Dept. Greg Stafford was involved but when he put out his 2 Dissertations book the group splintered. There are definitely some higherups in the organization that are not preparing for Armageddon but are preparing to be in this world for a long time.

  • blondie

    Didn't this happen before?


    yb88 pp. 126-127 Ireland ***



    During 1982 a particularly virulent form of apostasy developed, mainly in the Dublin area. Some brothers began to resent the authority of the congregation and to question the body of teachings that are accepted by Jehovah’s people as truth. They promoted the idea that each Christian should be able to decide for himself on various matters of doctrine.

    Quietly and surreptitiously they sowed seeds of doubt in the minds of others regarding doctrine. The integrity of members of the Governing Body was questioned. The dissenters who were serving as elders and ministerial servants minimized organizational instructions. From the platform, and at other times secretly, they disseminated their own ideas, undermining the confidence of others in Jehovah’s organization.

  • truthseeker

    Interesting EvilTroll,

    I had no idea Greg was involved with others, I though he did a solo operation.

  • truthseeker

    Hey, Blondie!

    As apples of gold in silver carvings, a word spoken at the right time! Thanks for the info, that was quick! I've never read this before.

  • truthseeker
    During 1982 a particularly virulent form of apostasy developed

    Sounds like spiritual "bird-flu"!

  • jgnat

    How about our friend, Mr. e-watchman? http://e-watchman.com/

  • slimboyfat

    Evil Troll,

    Tell us more. I assume you are talking about Heinz Schmidt, Hal Flemings, James Steward, Edgar Foster, All Kidd, Wes Williams, Tony Byatt and that crowd?

    I often wonder what is going on in the apologetics front these days, things seem to have quitened down considerably since I was involved. Please share any more info you have.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I've only heard on this board of some elders were trying to change the religion from the inside. I always thought that was the case with the Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood. http://www.ajwrb.org/

    The people I see causing the biggest changes are the R&F who hear and then quickly forget what they hear. They don't speak up yet, but their actions show they aren't going to be pushed around so easily.

    Two reasons I don't think this will work:

    1) As long as this religion makes it a disfellowshipping offense to debate, disagree or not believe something, their attempts at modernizing the WT will be unsuccessful. All the control comes from the top and different groups of brothers never had and never will have any of it.

    2) These groups of people are not going to be able to grow very easily and contain any measure of control because not only are hardcore oldschool types of elders are going to stand in their way, they will have enough infighting among themselves to prevent any progress from happening.

    I guess I just don't have much confidence in elders, I see them as petty controlling bullies. And even if they don't agree with the powers that be, they are still a bunch of good old boys.

    I'm sure there are exceptions, but those exceptions will probably find out it's not worth taking their entire lives to change something so stupid in the first place.

  • DannyHaszard

    The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,yes the reason the Watchtower came into existence was to declare Jesus second coming in 1914.When the prophecy (derived from William Miller of 1842) failed they said that he came "invisibly".

    Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire WTS doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards. You can't reform an institution that is rotten to the core.Now if you consider that the Watchtower leadership accepts no imminent armageddon and battens down for the long haul in this system,then they are simply a wicked religious racket that defrauded all the assets,time,money from four generations of Haszards. I hate their guts! btw theme this years convention "deliverance is at hand"

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