Hi Amazing
WAR?: Yes. Whatever it takes. Time for talk and negotiation ended in my opinion. The time for peace died. The time for working things out is over. The time for action to get the ones responsible and their host nations is here and now. No more excuses. No more whining about being 'above it all on the high road.' No, it is time to fight dirty, kick below the belt and destory the enemy until they are gone. Give them a does of their own medicine.
I won't say I disagree, because I really don't. But there still are some considerations to be taken. Let's say it is Bin Laden who is behind this, and let's say the Taliban regime in Afganistan is supporting him. Probably Osamu Bin Laden is also backed up (or at least have been for a long time) by the Pakistan government.
Would it be any better if Afganistan and Pakistan were bombed flat, back to the stone age? Killing a few millions would be a great "revenge", but the results would GUARANTEED be an enormous amount of new attacks on the countries involved in the attacks on Afganistan and Pakistan.
Israel is constantly sending out messages the PLO and Yassir Arafat is siding with Osamu bin Laden, and today I heard they said they were in reality together in this act. In the shaddow of the disaster in New York, the Israelis attacked the West-Bank, invaded Palestine territory with tanks, killing people - pretty sure they would get away with their continuing terrorism against Palestinians.
Israel do have an agenda of their own, and so does - I'm sorry to say - most other countries as well. Can we trust information from CIA or other agencies of the same kind? Hardly. What do we REALLY know about who was responsible for the Lockerbee disaster? Lots of people were killed, and their families STILL don't know who was behind this. The documents are classified, and it's a good reason to ask why!
In this situation it has to be tempting to get rid of quite a few "annoying" persons, linking them to these terrible events. The Israelis ARE doing it quite openly - even to the degree the US officials more or less told them to stop this shit now - even though the US has been backing everything before.
Can we be sure the Israelis are the only ones with such an agenda? I think not - the oportunity to use these events to get rid of a hell of a lot of people has to be huge!
I DO agree this is an act of war against the US, and I DO agree the US can't accept that without hiting back - HARD! So hard NOBODY should be tempted to do such an act again.
But we're dealing with fanatics, and this time it was not another country attacking. Maybe they are shielded by Saddam Husein and the Taliban government. Maybe they sympathize with these assholes - but they're still not representatives of any country! What about the sivilians of countries like Afganistan or Pakistan? These people are having a hard time, and many flee their country. Just remember the Australian case. It's a reason people are fleeing!
Let's hope the guilty are punished - not too many innocent people among them. Killing innocent muslems won't help killed innocent Americans.
Yakki Da
I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!
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