Audio: Resolution from California Convention
by purplesofa 26 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks!! Added it to my archive...
It crashed my computer - is that possible?
It crashed my computer - is that possible?
were you looking at porn or in a strange chat room.......thats one of the resolutions.....might have crashed if you were!
were you looking at porn or in a strange chat room
No, I was only trying to listen to the spiritual food!
Thanks for that.
I can think of a few jws who might have squirmed a bit when the part about resolving not to over - indulge in alcohol came up.
Sailor Ripley
It crashed my computer - is that possible?
It crashed my brain - is that possible?
I am now physically ill. I threw up repeatedly along with explosive diarrhea. I haven't heard that kind of controlling speech in years. Be no part of the world! OBEY! OBEY! -
drew sagan
Same old. Why the resolution at all? Weren't they supposed to be doing this all along? Same crap as in any other years wt's. No porn, stay away from the internet, don't socialize with outsiders, blah, blah and of course 'the end is near.' Somedays I can't believe my husband listens to this crap.