Audio: Resolution from California Convention

by purplesofa 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Yeah, since they no longer have a delusional visionary genius like ol' Freddie to concoct wild interpretations of prophecy, they're left with behavior modification/control as their only resort as their focus. As I said earlier in one threard of my own, I attended one session of the local convention and never have seen more morbidly obese people in one place at one time!

  • Borgia

    Vm44: I did! And it felt great. har har har



  • looking_glass

    Why does every speaker sound like he is 150 years old. All I pictured was Dumbeldore from Harry Potter w/ a big cape and long gray hair and beard.

  • ozziepost

    Was this another bowl from Revelation?

  • blondie

    I was always amazed at the WTS comments and use of resolutions based on these comments:


    w77 1/1 p. 3 A New Year—Time for a Change? ***

    Yet the end of a year and the start of a new one does do something. It often makes people reflect on their lives and the passing of time. It can make one ask: "Just where am I going? What am I doing with the years of my life? Is it time for a change?"

    We cannot change what others are and certainly not what the whole world is. But we can give new direction to our own lives that can bring us greater happiness. By New Year’s resolutions? No. Most people break these within a few days of making them. Resolving to make a change just because the year is changing does not give us genuine, strong motivation to follow through. There needs to be a greater force, a solid hope of something better that moves us to action.


    g81 1/8 p. 3 Why Bad Habits Are So Hard to Break? ***

    AT THE beginning of a new year some people resolve to make a fresh start by breaking a bad habit. Making "New Year’s Resolutions" is quite popular in some countries. Yet many persons end up the year with making resolutions again—the SAME ones. Has this ever happened to you?

    How do these WTS resolutions at the conventions help any JW make a real change? How many JWs even remember what the resolution said?


  • brutusmaximus

    Well done getting that online

    A few things struck me about this one being lack of time people had to look at the scriptures he was quoting so off hand, surely something as important as this would be taken more seriously.

    Also that is some speech impediment old Wille the Whistler had. It sounded like he was reading from a script as well so I guess everyone will get the same p*sh read out



  • loosie

    Thank you PurpS

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