Mrs Ozzie and I visited the home of her swim coach on Sunday.
He lives nearby a large Kingdom Hall which accommodates several large city congregations, yet he says that he's never been visited by the dubs. No, never, in the more than two years he's lived there!
So here he is, living around 400 metres from a Kingdom Hall and he, though never connected in any way with the Witnesses i.e. a true "worldly™" person, has never had the Witnesses at his door, not even a tract in the mailbox!
We wonder what's happening in the borg? If this is true of a person living not far from "Beffel", what's the rest of the country like?
Is this true of other places too?
BTW our friend would love to be visited, so any JWs lurking out there who'd like to share, just give me a line and I'll give the address!!