Fair minded person with a fair point of view

by keo15929 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sspo

    Good reminders Blondie

    Anyone that claims to be the only channel that God is using on earth, the record is not good.

  • LisaRose

    Keo, very well stated. I'm new to this forum but I allready see that people come to different beliefs and thought after leaving the org. But that's OK. If we wanted to be with people who all thought the exact same way, we would still be JW's.

    I liked your statment: Why would God design animals to be blood eaters if blood is so sacred to him.

    It makes me think of my little cat, cleo. She's only 6 pounds, a little daintly thing. But she is a hunter to the max. Mice, Voles and Bunnys are all fair game for her. I know what she has been up to when she shows up with blood on her nose. For some reason, she never cleans her face like other cats and I have to clean off the evidence.

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