The Andrea Yates verdict came down again and it was not guilty. She will be sent to a mental facility instead of prison where in time, and after therapy, she may in all liklihood be reintegrated into society at some point. What do you think of the verdict? As was pointed out in her prior confession, she admitted to planning on how to kill her kids months before she did it but stopped because her husband was home. The gruesome details of how her oldest child suffered and struggled is horrific - what purpose is there in keeping her from death row? She can sit in the sunshine as part of her therapy, she can eat a hot slice of pizza, she can watch a movie - her kids will never do those things. sammieswife.
Yates verdict
by sammielee24 74 Replies latest jw experiences
When you take a life you forefit yours. Insane people that kill need to be put out of their misery. Kill while DUI, 5 years and can never drive again the rest of your life. Do it a second time, death penalty. Etc....
I think it's a great verdict, and I wish Texas prosecuters didn't see the need to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars to confirm the obvious: the woman was quite insane.
Just like the other Texas women who recently, listening to that nutty God they believe in, hacked off their babies arms or smashed their childrens heads in with large rocks.
We probably can't ever totally eliminate delusional psychosis, but we can sure do more to eliminate bad beliefs.
Here in Texas the story was in the news constantly. There are many details perhaps not commonly known about her case. She had been having mental problems for awhile.She was not then on medication. She suffered greatly from post-partum depression.
She had really sole responsibility for every aspect of these children's lives. Her husband did not help her, and he demanded that she home school them all.
This woman had more than she could bear. She loved her children and felt that there was no one else to care for them, but she could no longer live up to the expectations thrust upon her.
This woman was completely insane at the time of their murders.
I suffered post-partum depression with my one and only child. It was mild, but I did have some disturbing thoughts. I cannot imagine what life was like for this woman.
I guess until you walk a mile in someone's shoes........
If she was insane, and her husband knew it (due to his profession), he is the one who is guilty of murder.
Life in the loonie bin for her, death penalty for him.
So she'll spend some time in a mental hospital and then be released on the basis of someone's diagnosis?
Did her sentance perhaps include a mandatory hysterectomy???
All I can think about when I see her is that she has to somehow live with herself after what she did. I know I wouldn't be able to.
Big Tex
She was obviously insane. Don't know if I buy the post-partum excuse/defense but that's pretty pointless now.
I can only hope she regains her mental faculties so that she becomes fully aware of the horrors she committed.
They should put a rope around her neck, and pull her up a pole. Leave her hands untied so she can hang on....until she gets tired.
Then it's suicide, not capital punishment.
I don't believe she has ever been forced to undergo sterilization. I'm kind of torn on this one - because while she was suffering from post partun depression after her 2nd or 3rd child and again after the last (with psychosis) the doctors all vary in their results. Her own doctor said that when he saw her the day before, she was exhibiting no symptoms. Her husband said she was exhibiting no symptoms. Another doctor said she appeared overwhelmed more than psychotic. So even if we take away the post partum we get back to the planning which I then have to question. If one can plan every detail of murder and then carry it out..and plan it quite some time before - isn't that pre-meditated? What I heard from the confessions she gave was that she locked all the doors so the kids couldn't get out; she put the dog in the kennel so it wouldn't distract her; she took the bathmat out of the tub; she chased and dragged one of the kids back in to the tub when he tried to escape and she had it planned all once before. For those reasons, I question the insanity plea...because to me, it sounds too much like premeditated murder. If we put the shoe on the other foot - what's to say that a person like Scott Peterson - or any man - who had a breakdown for some reason and kills his children or his wife in the same manner should end up on death row instead of a mental hospital? Sympathy for men who committ the same sort of crimes don't generally generate the same sort of response from the female community - even if there might have been mental distress prior to the event. ..Just playing devils advocate I am...sammieswife.