The unions that are pushing for national health are the same unions that negotiated ever increasing and expanding health and welfare programs
First of all welfare is a government program. It's not something Unions work to expand or shrink. A Union would like to keep it's members working and therefore keep them off welfare.
Expanding healthcare is a good thing =) If a person has access to doctors and medical staff they are much more likely to get preventative care. This prevents many people from ending up in the painful, crippling, end stages of diseases. Healthy people are able to work longer and later in their life. As an added bonus access to medical care stops/slows/prevents the spread of communicable diseases.
Most countries that have national healthcare systems seem to be doing ok. When is the last time a country collapsed due to healtcare costs? Will the US be the first?
they're entitled to be chained to a wall and left to rot and die
As far as chaining people to the wall...ummm...yeah.. that's sounds like a fetish not a punishement from a 21st century court of law. Midieval times called and wants you to come back home. I bet you like watching the news reports on abu-grab prison ect