SWIFE You are just pissed that I can find the holes in your arguments. It's too easy.
Nope. I don't get 'ticked' by pesky fleas - I just get out the can of bug spray and poof! all gone. You are so far gone that this isn't even a debate - its more an entertainment venue for the rest of us to see how much you huff and you puff trying to blow all the houses down.....oh..and by the way..mop up your tears ..it's okay...I chose to plan an exam for now because my original plan of getting one later was thwarted by my schedule..my point..sigh...it's tough talking to the wall sometimes...my point was more to the fact that the cost combined with waiting times does exist here in the USA just like everywhere else. And just a little heads up for you - real people, with real emotions and real bodies - well sometimes things happen and whack! they get sick or those little old eyes of theirs really do go wonky on them overnight. Won't regal you with stories of blindness though - don't want you to crack. You might want to take a drink from that well now and again - good, honest, pure water I hear. swife.