OK is it just me or......this test is recommended every this the type of testing schedule you get under nationalised healthcare?
I'm guessing it depends what State you're in. Don't make out like your private schedule is universal, because it's not. Besides, do you really like having your insides scraped every year?? Are you really condemning a system of free three-yearly scrapes to a system where some can afford it annually and some can't afford it period? That is soooo myopic!
How is that different from what we have here?
You mean you've actually turned to asking someone who knows, rather than merely pontificating from afar with those look-to-heaven eyes?
Our safety net is bigger... much bigger... Everyone gets a station wagon (
regardless of income) and if they want a Porsche then it's in the showroom waiting for them - meanwhile everyone gets a free station wagon. That about compares to the US system of getting nothing for free unless you happen to be totally poverty stricken, in which case they'll lend you a bicycle. Depending on income YOU can pay for anything from a Yugo to a Cadillac.
Oh, did I forget that some US insurance plans aren't worth the paper they're written on, ergo you might think you have a Chevvy but might find that when you come to use it there's only a 100 cubic inch engine under the hood?...
We've had this discussion before, haven't we? It boils down to having a system where there's waste but everyone gets cared for, or a system where about the same amount of money gets creamed off as profits by the insurance companies, etc. The mean cost to the population is about the same, but everyone gets a piece of the action with NHC, including (most importantly) the patient.