So, we left the org. back in December. I went & visited my mother in February & shared with her some of the research I had found. She was receptive at first but then became very uneasy & claimed that it looked like apostate literature (mind you, it was all from the SOCIETY'S LITERATURE......but, closed know!). Well, I had to tell her that we weren't going to meetings because she would have wanted me to go to hers while I was visiting. She didn't go to ANY of hers while I was there and I even told her to go and I would hang out at the house. She wouldn't. I don't know why. So, the first holiday we celebrated was Easter. Then, my kids' b-days all fell from May thru August. We celebrated those. Now every year, on each of my kids' b-days, my mom calls and wishes them a 'happy b-day.' My youngest turned 5 on Thursday of last week. Friday night, I get a phone call from my mom and she wants to talk to my daughter and wish her a "HAPPY B-DAY". The VERY next day, I get a GOD AWFUL email from her telling me she wants nothing to do with us any longer and will no longer accept any emails or phone calls from us. She told me we are 'apostate' and that she can no longer even pray for us to come to our senses. She told me that not only are my children going to 'die' in the near future but it's MY FAULT. The end of the email said "May Jehovah have mercy on you & your are truly going to need it." I have never cried so hard in my life. I was devastated. Even though a part of me expected her to react in a way that would cause her to keep her distance, I never imagined the knife going in and twisting the way it did from my own mom. I realize she has nothing in her life at this point (age 62) except for this faith and her only friends are within the org. but to disown your own flesh & blood over it? She was disfellowshipped years ago and she just recently had lunch with a WORLDY GAY MAN. Can you even fathom this?????? Everytime I read that email in my head, I choke back the tears. I mean, it's my mom & my kids' grandmother.
I have sisters who were raised in the 'false' and left in their teenage years (never baptized) and my mom has attended many events they have had (birthdays included). She celebrated x-mas for years with my g-mother because my mom said "I'm an only child & you girls are her only g-children so I can't begrudge her of something she believes in and wants to share with us!" WHAT? Where is your dedication????? With that being said, she has always been one of the more 'lenient' JWs. But, since we stopped going, all the sudden.....she walks on water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What to to react?
- J