I say let 'em post, let 'em learn!Long live JWD
Good point!
by AlanF 156 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I say let 'em post, let 'em learn!Long live JWD
Good point!
I say let 'em post, let 'em learn!Long live JWD!
That's probably why they lurk anyway. They NEED this site to gain an accurate knowledge so they can be ready with some dumb excuse and act like they were ready for it the entire time.
Their ploy is to be so ready for any question it looks like they actually know something.
I read a bit on these guys forum, and one thing is for certain: These guys are JWS! They are NOT ex-jws, or belonging to some jw-like-sect. They are JWS! Whether or not they have backing from the GB or other highranking witnoids, I do not know. But they ARE jws!
ThirdWitness wrote the following on Al's board:
"Do you know how hard it is to get restricted at JWD. You can cuss people, call people idiot, moron, retard, stupid, liar, and any other name you like (Believe me I know. I have been called about every name in the book over there.) You can leave any link you like to anything you like, you can cut copy and paste whatever you desire, and teach anything under the sun but there is one thing you better not do. Defend JWs against the holy trinity of the apostates: 607, the NGO , and the child abuse policy. This seems to be about the only way to get restricted. Of course I copied and pasted information from our articles here and from my blog site. The last one I posted was about the 70 years of serving Babylon and of desolation. Here is what I have been told by the forum administrator. You once again are abusing your posting privileges by peppering the board with "cut & pastes" - just yesterday you started a thread with a prior 'chapter' of the work that you are simply lifting from one site and placing on the board. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/118142/1.ashx Your posting 'privileges' are being restricted so that your 'allowed' posts may be used wisely in proper discussion with other posters on other threads. This thread is locked. Since I cannot post there at this time I wrote the administrator and said: Let me get this straight, you are limiting my posting priviledges because I copy and pasted my own material....I wonder if AlanF or Leo would have limited privileges if they copied and pasted there own material. Maybe if I start calling people idiots, retards, morons,liars in big bold letter etc I can regain my posting privileges. I wonder if I cut and pasted material against JWs if that would be alright? What a joke. Such hypocrisy. Yes, they have been thoroughly exposed. Not only concerning their misleading lies about 607, NGO , and Child Abuse, but as truth seekers. Most are not as is apparent from my being restricted. There is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth going on over there right now because of their failure in disproving 607 as well as our articles on the NGO and my blog on the child abuse policy of JWs. You would think that as many apostates as there are on that site that they would be able to present some logical arguments but it is the same old stuff that we always here along with the same old tactics used, name calling, rhetoric, and statements made as if they were true supported by no facts or scriptures. Here is what one person said after I told someone who brought up an off topic subject. I said: If you will contact JWs in your area you can find out the answers for what you bring up. Or consult the WT publications which will explain them by means of the Bible. They replied:...and it`s SHIT like THIS that makes me wanna SCREAM and YELL and knock down everything within a one-mile-radius, ... . You condescending, little selfrighteous prick! ... I think you should get the hell away from this board, and go back to the KH . Do you think this person received a public warning and was restricted from posting because the guidelines say: please avoid: 1. Insulting, threatening or provoking language Of course not. It was me who was reprimanded. And many do not know I have been restricted and cannot answer their questions. What do you think they will say? Thirdwitness abandoned ship because he could not answer our questions. Well, I know for a fact that many read here because they posted the latest writings on the summary of the 40 year desolation of Egypt arguments. I wonder if anyone at that site will have the guts to copy and paste what I have written here further exposing them in their attempt at silencing me and defenders of JWs. Lurkers take note at the tactics of apostates. They are not truth seekers as they pretend. They are misleading and deceitful and have but one agenda: to discredit JWs and mislead as many as possible away from the truth. They have been exposed for what you really are."
Although I can't suppress a smile when he says "There is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth going on over there right now because of their failure in disproving 607 as well as our articles on the NGO and my blog on the child abuse policy of JWs" I kinda have to agree with him. I don't understand why his posting privileges where taken away from him. I know he pasted a large piece of that particular website again, but it's his own material. I know that he's the one who wrote it. If the the article was maintained on this website, I'm sure some posters would have torn it to pieces just like almost all other "arguments" 3W brought to this board. And, I for one, really enjoyed the thread about Egypt/Tyre. It showed the utter dishonesty in the writings of 3W and I believe many, many JW lurkers have seen this. I know I'm breaking posting guidelines with this post, for I realize that the owner of the board can make his own descisions. I just hope you will reconsider your position and give 3W his posting privileges back, because, with Scholar, he's one of the most great dangers to the WTS...some lurkers will see the dishonesty that comes forth from absolute loyalty to an earthly organisation. In that regard 3W's attendance to this forum is much needed! Effe
thirdwitness: If you will contact JWs in your area you can find out the answers for what you bring up. Or consult the WT publications which will explain them by means of the Bible.
If you believe Jehovah's Witnesses can support their doctrine from the Bible, kindly put your posts where your pontification is.
My father, who sat on his first Judicial Committee when he was 17 and has been and "elder" ever since, couldn't answer me on some very basic teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Our current Circuit Overseer could not either.
I'll make a deal with you: If you can Scripturally support each JW pre-baptismal requirement as a must for Christian baptism, I will humbly return to the organization and repent, enduring whatever discipline my father and his body of elders believes I deserve. If, one the other hand, you cannot provide the Scriptural support and it turns out JWs are the true religion, you will accept my blood on your hands for failing to demonstrate Bible truth to one who asked you for it.
Sophistry Lessons—JW Baptismal Prerequisites
I'll be waiting, but I won't hold my breath.
I'll be waiting, but I won't hold my breath
Yes but will you gnash your teeth?
I tend to agree with you, Effe, to an extent. However, thirdwitness' summary of his experience on this board was a total misrepresentation of the facts, as you well know.
I believe that Ozziepost removed thirdwitness' latest cut & pastes for the simple reason that he continued to post new ones without properly dealing with responses to the old ones. Almost all boards restrict such inundations. As for restricting posting privileges in any other way, I have no comment except that I hope he is now able to post as much as he wants except for new cut & pastes.
As for thirdwitness' claim that regular posters on this board regularly do cut & pastes of their own material, that's another of his lies. For example, on the website "Research on the Watchtower" ( http://corior.blogspot.com/ ), there are thousands of pages of essays by myself and others. I never cut & paste from there, although I post links along with a line of explanatory information. Nor am I aware of any others who do. Rather, most posts are either new material, or are in some way original in the sense that the poster has done a good bit of work in researching the material from various sources and putting it into his or her own words.
So thirdwitness is telling his usual lies to his usual audience of wide eyed believers. If they believe him without checking up on him, they deserve what they get. The facts are here on this board for all to see.
thirdwitness' apparent claims that he is not able to post is an outright lie. He IS able to post, even if on a restricted base to what some others may be allowed; however, he is able to post and so if he wanted to could easily write posts to rebut some of the statements here. Of course, it doesn't suit him to do that, perhaps because he's been beaten and it's politic to withdraw.
I agree with this summation by AlanF:
So thirdwitness is telling his usual lies to his usual audience of wide eyed believers. If they believe him without checking up on him, they deserve what they get. The facts are here on this board for all to see.
I know I'm breaking posting guidelines with this post, for I realize that the owner of the board can make his own descisions. I just hope you will reconsider your position and give 3W his posting privileges back, because, with Scholar, he's one of the most great dangers to the WTSDon't believe everything you hear! 3rdW is able to post as much as scholar does - he simply chooses not to right now. Put the blame where it lies - with him, not with who gets restricted and why.
You know, if a person shows up on a board, posts copy-paste-posts over and over again, and refuses to answer arguments against his copy-paste-posts, then that poster would fall under the TROLL-category! It was correct of the admins to kick him out, and if he shows up here again under another alias, kick him out again. People need to understand, that that guy was NOT here to discuss anything at all! He was here simply to preach, in a covert manner, of course, under the pretense of discussion, but nonetheless, he just here to PREACH! That psycho was a covert ops in so many ways I don`t know where to start, but I could read him like an open book. He is not just a regular jw, he is a psychopath-jw, you know, the ones that will eventually rise to a higher position in their whole "theocracy". If he was in his 50s (or whatever), I am pretty certain he at least is an elder. He was pure psycho, psycho, psycho. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.
I'd peg Thirdwitness as a Borg higher-up wannabe.
Many people have superbly mimicked the writing style of the magazines. I think he could too, without having to be a bethelite. His zealotry and repeated appeals to the Borg's authority would make him an ideal elder. I think he's only an elder aiming for more. At the very least he's using apostates to "tweak" his propoganda and provide Mommy some "tested" material to be incorporated in the publications. He'd score brownie points that way.