I can only picture what we can expect to hear from our Witness family.....Any thoughts??
What Would You Tell A JW That Believes That Terrorism Means "The End"?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
I would talk about terrorism has always been around - from the Catholic Crusades to the negro lynching as late as the early 1960's.
I'd have him read a history book that tells of the anarchist movement in the late 19th - early 20th century. Suicide bombers were blowing up restaurants, markets, trains...in Paris, London, Moscow, etc.
I.e., things have not gotten appreciably worse "since 1914".
Things are the way they've always been, but time and technology enable more to happen.
Rather than tell yourself and others they are "living in the last days," why not accept the fact that our last days are life itself, from birth to death, regardless of what goes on in the world around us? Does this make sense, Sister?? -
I'd tell them, "grab yourself a beer. There's an icy cold case of Sierra Nevada in the fridge."
The Mongol hordes under Ghengis Khan... now THAT was terrorism. Further back: The bible tells of Herod butchering every male child under 2 years of age in the entire region. I imagine that looked a lot like terrorism to the parents. Terrorism is not unique to our age.
I'm being terrorized right now!!! I can't pick up my phone or answer the door because of elders and every time I go to a store I have to run from sisters screaming "MISS YOU AT THE MEETINGS!!!!!"
So terrorism has been around for ages! My question is .....what possible cause do they have other than jealously....long before Iraq or anything else....they sound like a bunch of spoiled kids wanting their way or no way!
drew sagan
What a frustrating topic. It's like telling a Christian conservative that the modern state of Israel dosn't mean we are close to the rapture.
The Mongol hordes under Genghis Khan... now THAT was terrorism.
Agreed!!! And guess what: that was the high-water mark of the original Islamic escapades. The "Mongol hordes" stomped the Muslims into the ground. As I recollect they totally destroyed Baghdad, seat of the Caliph. That put an end to the world domination schemes of the "followers of the prophet".
Of course, the irony was that later many of the Mongols gradually converted to Islam. But, by then the fight was out of both sides and neither group (or some synthesis of both) had the steam to get back into the world domination game.