I Got The Phone Call Last Night - My Dad Died

by BrendaCloutier 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    Sorry to hear of your loss. ((( Brenda ))))

  • misspeaches

    Oh Brenda - I wish you every inner strength you have as you come face to face with your JW family. Hope you get some closure...


  • BrendaCloutier

    Thank you all soooo much!

    I'm actually starting to look forward to the funeral. I hope there are a couple of old friends there. Ok. so I'm wierd. Part of it is that there is a local ApostFest being held that evening! I can't think of a better thing to "have to" attend after a JW funeral! Yeah, I know, it's my dad I'm talking about. Either I'm really deeply in shock about it and it hasn't sunk in yet... or the bulk of my grief is already past. About as odd as I am, I guess.

    The day we arrived home from England holiday (2am) we attended the funeral of a dear friend of ours (not at all JW). Black was NOT allowed. The service was a simple memorial led by his stepdaughter, with several family and friends who spoke fondly of Glenn. Glenn once said that when he dies he wanted to be cremated and put in the pepper shakers at The Benson Hotel Restaurant - a 5star restaurant and luxury hotel in downtown Portland. Well, his stepdaughter went to the restaurant manager and laid out her request and the manager GAVE her 6 (each held 1 cup) crystal and gold plated pepper shakers. And THAT is what Glenn was contained in for the service! Each close family member gets a shaker of Glenn. The service was held at Scappoose airport - a small regional field where he worked at Sport Copters. Friends of his did a flyby (airplanes) then flew by in the Missing Man formation as a bagpiper played Amazing Grace. Not a dry eye in the place, and not an unhappy unappreciative person there, either.

    I wish my dad's funeral could be like this.

  • BrendaCloutier
    He said he was doing ok.........she had ill health for awhile..........and he had already buried her so many times in his head.

    Purplesofa - this just sunk in. Yes! That's how it feels. Thank you.

  • blondie

    Sorry to hear about your loss, Brenda. It could be a good sign that they called you. I have read of many experiences on JWD of people whose families did not call...how cruel.


  • frankiespeakin

    You have my condolences Brenda, 88 yrs is a long life.

  • SixofNine

    my condolences (((Brenda)))

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    You wrote, "Heck. Maybe I'll buy a dress."

    Make it a damn-nice one!

    Writing rocks! Get after it. Letters to paper is all that matters.

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi Brenda. Good on you for keeping it together, it must be a very bad time for you. Actually this is about the only scenario that makes me nervous; they can't get to me in any way now, so I know that the only time I'll ever hear from any of them is when somebody dies. I've been grieving them for over a year already, so it will be odd hey, to do it again in a few years.

    Be brave on the day, and keep reminding yourself of the life you built from scratch without them all.

  • Gill

    (((((((( Brenda ))))))))) Sorry for your loss but, it is a relief when a loved one is not suffering anymore.

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